The College Hymn and Tune Book

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d1Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
d2All around us, fair with flowers
d3All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d4Almighty Father, God of love, Our supplications hear
d5Almighty Father, heavenly King
d6Almighty God, in humble prayer
d7Another six days' work is done
d8Arise, my soul, with rapture rise
d9Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep
d10Assembled now to close the hour
d11Awake, my soul, and with the sun
d12Behold the lofty sky
d13Blow ye [you] the trumpet, blow
d14Bow down thine ear, O Lord, and hear me
d15Brethren, while we sojourn here
d16Brighter thy noonday heaven dawns for thee
d17Calm on the bosom of thy God
d18Calmly she faded as fades the summer
d19Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
d20Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart, Inspire each lifeless tongue
d21Come, praying souls, rejoice
d22Come, thou all gracious Lord
d23Come thou fount of every blessing
d24Come to the Sabbath School, All children
d25Come with us today
d26Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
d27Delightful is the task to sing
d28Early, my God, without delay
d29Eternal source of every joy
d30Every day hath toil and trouble, Every heart
d31Father, once more let grateful praise
d32From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skies
d33From every stormy wind [sense] that blows
d34From Greenland's icy mountains
d35Gently fall [falls] the dew [dews] of eve
d36Give to our God [the Lord] immortal praise
d37Glorious things of thee are spoken
d38God bless our native land, Firm may she
d39God of my life, my morning song
d40God of our fathers, by whose hand
d41Gracious Spirit, Love divine
d42Great God of nations now to thee
d43Great God, to thee my evening song
d44Great God, we praise that mighty hand
d45Hail, Columbia, happy land
d46Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King
d47Heavenly Father, grant thy blessing on the instructions
d48Heavenly Father, sovereign [might] Lord
d49Here let thy peace, O Father, rest
d50High in the heavens, eternal God
d51How blest the righteous when he dies
d52How gentle God's commands
d53How pleasant, how [and] divinely fair
d54How pleasing is thy [the] voice
d55How sweet, how [and] heavenly is the sight
d56How sweetly along the gay mead
d57I love to steal awhile away
d58In sleep's serene oblivion laid
d59In thy presence we appear
d60Jesus, delightful, charming name
d61Jesus, refuge of my soul
d62Jesus, tender shepherd, hear us
d63Kingdoms and thrones to God belong
d64Let temperance and her sons rejoice
d65Like shadows gliding o'er the plain
d66Long as I live I'll bless thy name
d67Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
d68Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high
d69Lord of earth, thy forming [beauteous] [mighty] hand
d70Lord of heaven, and earth, and ocean
d71Lord of life and light and glory
d72My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d73My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d74My God, how endless [lasting] is thy love
d75My God, in morning's radiant hour
d76My soul, repeat His praise Whose mercies are so
d77Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d78Nearer my home above
d79Now in a song of grateful praise [love]
d80Now the shades of night are gone
d81O God, to thee our hearts would pay
d82O God, we thank thee that the night
d83O happy is the man [child] who [that] hears instruction's [religion's] [Messiah's] warning voice
d84O render thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal love
d85O say can you see by the dawn's early light
d86O the sweet wonders of that [the] cross
d87O thou who hast at thy command
d88O where shall rest be found
d89On thee, each morning, O my God, My waking thoughts attend
d90Once more before we part, O [we'll] bless the Savior's [Redeemer's] name
d91Once more, my soul, the rising day salutes thy waking eyes
d92Our heavenly Father, hear
d93Praise the Lord, when blushing morning
d94Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him
d95Praise to God, immortal praise
d96Praise to thee, thou [our] great creator
d97Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join in work so pleasant
d98Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desire
d99Regard my words, O gracious Lord
d100Safely through another week

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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