The Christian Harmony: in the seven-syllable character note system of music;... 2010 Revised Edition

Editor: William Walker
Reviser: John Deason, O. A. Parris
Committee Chair: John Hollingsworth
Publisher: Christian Harmony Music Company Inc., Bishop, Georgia, 2010
Notes: Seven-shape notation; 2010 ed. of successor to the Southern Harmony; page scans and robotic sound files are accessible at
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1I heard the voice of Jesus say "Come unto Me and restWEARY REST
2We may not know, we cannot tellO WONDROUS LOVEText
3The Christmas morning now has comeCHRISTMAS MORNING
4To God we owe our life and breathCOPELAND
5ADear friends, farewell, I do you tellDEAR FRIENDS, FAREWELL
5BOh when we feel the pow'r of ChristALWAYS SOMETHING NEW
6By Babel's streams we sat and weptBABEL'S STREAMS
7Jehovah is my sov'reign GodJEHOVAH IS MY GOD
8Let ev'ry creature join, To praise th'eternal GodCREATION
9Pilgrims on the way to gloryCORDS OF LOVE
10Hark! don't you hear the turtle doveZION'S DOVE
11Dear friends, farewell I do you tellMINISTER'S FAREWELL
12As on life's rugged path I roamGATE OF HOME
13A few more days on earth to spendTRAVELER'S HOPE
14I'll gladly serve my blessed LordI'LL SERVE MY LORD
15May Christ, the Savior be made knownMY CONSOLATION
16The finest flow'r that e'er was knownTHE FINEST FLOWER
17My brethren all on you I callCALL TO ARMS
18Jesus, the Savior was born in a mangerPRAISE OUR REDEEMER
19The day of days will be the hourTHE DAY OF DAYS
20In sin's dark prison I was boundPRISON CHAINS
21Awake and sing the songWEBSTER
22AMy soul, be on thy guardLABAN
22BThe spirit in our heartsSINNER COME
23ANow let our voices joinPHILLIPPI
23BThe day is past and goneEVENING HYMN
24AOh! cease, my wand'ring soulVOLUSIA
24BTo God, in whom I trustFREDRICA
25ACome, Holy Spirit, comeSANTEE
25BGive to the winds thy fearsBRIMMER
26AWith joy Thy people standGOLDEN HILL
26BGrace, 'tis a charming soundNINETY-THIRD
27AHow sweet the melting layMORNING WORSHIP
27BYe messengers of ChristMISSIONARY HERALD
28AGlory to God on highMOCKSVILLE
28BShall wisdom cry aloudWATCHMAN
29When the midnight cry beganTHE MIDNIGHT CRY
30AHow beauteous are their feetZION'S JOY
30BIn ev'ry trying hour, My soul to Jesus fliesDENNIS
31AMy Father's house on highHOME
31BYe servants of the LordTIME
32AO Lord, our heav'nly KingRAYFIELD
32BThy name, Almighty LordZELLVILLE
33To all who sing the sacred songANGEL CHOIR
34The day is drawing near, I knowGOING HOME
35AWelcome, sweet day of restLISBON
35BThe pity of the Lord, To those that fear His nameBOYLSTON
36ABehold a lovely vineLOVELY VINE
36BCome we that love the LordALBION
37This world is not my resting placeHEAVEN'S MY HOME
38There is a resting placeGOD IS OUR REFUGE
39See what a living stoneA PRECIOUS STONE
40AThe time will come when we must part to meet to sing no moreMAMIE
40BWeeping sinners, dry your tearsWEEPING SINNERS
41ADid Christ o'er sinners weepMEDIATION
41BThe Lord is ris'n indeedARDOR
42Hear the joy-bells sweetly ringingJOY-BELLS
43Wrapped in the silence of the nightTHE HEAVENLY THRONG
44ASee how the morning sunMORNING SUN
44BMy God, my portion, and my loveDUNLAP'S CREEK
45ABehold what wondrous graceILA
45BBehold the lofty skyLOFTY SKY
46AThe hill of Zion yieldsTHE HILL OF ZION
46BThe church has waited longWAITING CHURCH
47Oh when will the period appearPANTING FOR HEAVEN
48How beauteous are their feetMOUNT HELICON
49Forever with the Lord, Amen, so let it beFOREVER WITH THE LORD
50Grace! 'tis a charming sound! Harmonious to the ear!CRANBROOK
51Come, we that love the LordLONSDALE
52Let ev'ry creature join, To praise th'eternal GodNEWBURG
53Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian loveNO PARTING THERE
54I'm not ashamed to own my LordMY TRUST
55AA charge to keep I haveCAROLINA
55BAnd am I born to die?IDUMEA
56AMy soul, repeat His praiseAMERICA
56BO sing to me of heav'nSING TO ME OF HEAVEN
57Firmly I stand on Zion's hillSALVATION'S ROCK
58AYoung people all attention giveLIVERPOOL
58BSalvation! O, the joyful sound!PRIMROSE
59ALet ev'ry mortal ear attendMEAR
59BO tell me where the Dove has flownDOVE OF PEACE
60O listen to our wondrous storyWHAT DID HE DO?
61AOnce more, my soul, the rising dayNORTH CAROLINA
61BOh for a thousand tongues to singGAINES
62AO joyful sound of gospel grace!SWEET HOPE
62BJoy to the world – the Lord is come!JOY TO THE WORLD
63AHow condescending and how kindCONDESCENSION
63BIn evil long I took delightPARDONING LOVE
64May God His richest blessings giveYOUTHFUL BLESSINGS
65To God in whom I trust, I lift my heart and voiceTHE GOLDEN HILL
66AOh happy is the man who hearsBALERMA
66BOh! Thou whose tender mercy hearsTHE PENITENT'S PRAYER
67AOnce more, my soul, the rising dayPETERBORO
67BLet not despair nor fell revengeDUNDEE
68Our home once was bright and fairBRIGHT MANSIONS
69Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, FriendROCKY MOUNT
70AThis is the day the Lord hath madeARLINGTON
70BI love to steal awhile awayBROWN
71Remember thy creator GodTHE PEACEFUL SHORE
72AOn Jordan's stormy banks I standJORDAN

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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