The Christian Hymnal: a choice collection of hymns and tunes for congregational and social worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
800Fading, still fading, the last beam is shiningPage Scan
801By cool Siloam's shady rillPage Scan
802With songs and honors sounding loudPage Scan
803Flee, as a bird, to your mountainPage Scan
804I think, when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
805Eternal Lord! whose powerPage Scan
806Let every heart rejoice and singPage Scan
807Abide with me! fast falls the eventidePage Scan
808Oh, bow thine ear, Eternal OnePage Scan
809Shout the tidings of salvationPage Scan
810Eternal Source of life and light!Page Scan
811Come, come, come to the SaviorPage Scan
812Come ye thankful people comePage Scan
813Peace! the welcome sound proclaimPage Scan
814Guide us, Lord, while, hand in handPage Scan
815While with ceaseless course the sunPage Scan
816Go, watch and pray! thou canst not tellPage Scan
817Come let us anew Our journey pursuePage Scan
818Praise the Lord! ye heavens adore him!Page Scan
819I come to thee tonight In my lone closetPage Scan
820When spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soilPage Scan
821Now to heaven our prayer ascendingPage Scan
822My country, 'tis of theePage Scan
823Onward speed thy conq'ring flightPage Scan
824Hail, ransomed world! awake to glory!Page Scan
825From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
826Ho, reapers of life's harvest Page Scan
827Hark! what joyful notes are swellingPage Scan
828I would not live alway; I ask not to stayPage Scan
829Oh, when shall I see JesusPage Scan
830Another day is pastPage Scan
831Now is the day of gracePage Scan
832Ah! what avails my strifePage Scan
833How long, O Lord, our SaviorPage Scan
834Jerusalem, my happy home
835And is the gospel peace and love?Page Scan
836I'm not ashamed to own my LordPage Scan
837How sweet, how heavenly is the sightPage Scan
838Jesus, my all, to heaven has gonePage Scan
839Jesus, I my cross have takenPage Scan
840Hear, O sinner, mercy hails youPage Scan
841Oh thou fount of ev'ry blessingPage Scan
842Oh how I love JesusPage Scan
843Go on, you pilgrims, while belowPage Scan
844Softly on the breath of eveningPage Scan
S1There is a fountain filled with bloodPage Scan
S2Tell me the old, old storyPage Scan
S3I love to tell the storyPage Scan
S4I will sing you a song of the beautiful landPage Scan
S5There were ninety and nine that safely layPage Scan
S6Great is the Lord our GodPage Scan
S7There's a land that is fairer than dayPage Scan
S8"Almost persuaded" now to believePage Scan
S9When the mists have rolled in splendorPage Scan
S10Work, for the night is comingPage Scan
S11Eternal are thy mercies, LordPage Scan
S12Servants of God! in joyful laysPage Scan
S13Our sins on Christ were laidPage Scan
S14"A little while," our Lord shall comePage Scan
S15Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
S16What means this eager, anxious throngPage Scan
S17Thou art our Shepherd, glorious God!Page Scan
S18Let ev'ry mortal ear attendPage Scan
S19Almighty Father! gracious LordPage Scan
S20How happy ev'ry child of gracePage Scan
S21Blessed Savior, faithful guidePage Scan
S22Lord, in this sacred hourPage Scan
S23Come, O my soul! in sacred laysPage Scan
S24The Lord our God is full of mightPage Scan
S25Our Helper, God! we bless thy namePage Scan
S26Glory to thee, my God, this nightPage Scan
S27I love the sacred Book of God!Page Scan
S28Come, let us join in songs of praisePage Scan
S29Let everlasting glories crownPage Scan
S30Must Jesus bear the cross alonePage Scan
S31Dear Father, to thy mercy-seatPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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