The Christian Hymn Book. 7th ed.

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d701When we, our wearied [weary] limbs to rest
d702When youth and [or] age are snatched away
d703Where shall we go to seek and find
d704While through this changing world we [I] roam
d705Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger
d706Who shall ascend thy heavenly [holy] place
d707Who shall inhabit in [on] thy hill
d708Why did the Jews proclaim their rage
d709Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friends
d710Why is my heart so far from thee
d711Why should the children of a King
d712Why should we start and fear to die
d713With aching heart and weeping eyes
d714With all my [our] [the] power [powers] of heart and tongue
d715With heart [hearts] and lips unfeigned
d716With joy we meditate the [thy] grace
d717With our substance we will honor
d718With stately [steady] towers and bulwarks strong
d719Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaim
d720Ye different sects, who all declare
d721Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu
d722Ye golden lamps of heaven, farewell [adieu]
d723Ye happy children who follow Jesus
d724Ye hearts with youthful vigor warm
d725Ye humble souls, approach your God
d726Ye humble souls that [who] seek the Lord
d727Ye humble worshippers of God
d728Ye jewels of my [our] master
d729Ye messengers of Christ [God]
d730Ye nations round [of] the earth, rejoice
d731Ye saints attend the Savior's voice
d732Ye saints of God, of every name
d733Ye sons of earth, arise
d734Ye that [who] obey the immortal king
d735Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears
d736Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor Behold a royal feast
d737Ye [You] servants of God [Christ] your Master proclaim
d738Yes, my native land, I love thee
d739Young people, all, attention give
d740Zeal is that [the] pure and heavenly flame
d741Zion, the city of our God

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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