The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4

Editor: John J. Overholt
Publisher: Christian Hymnary Publishers, Uniontown, Oh., 1972
Denomination: Beachy Amish Mennonite Churches
Language: English; German
Notes: The phonetic spelling "ss" is used instead of the German "ß" in Ausbund translations. Uses seven-shape notation. Hymns ordered according to Fourth Printing, 1980.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
300Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heartPRAYER FOR ACCEPTANCEText
301I was wand'ring in a wilderness of deep despair and sinI BELIEVE IN THE PROMISES
302It may be at morn, when the day is awakingCHRIST RETURNETHText
303I am waiting for the dawningI NEED THEE PRECIOUS JESUSText
304O Son of God, we wait for TheeMEINE HOFFNUNG NEW
305Wait on God, and trust Him through all thy daysHARRE MEINE SEELE
306I am a stranger here, within a foreign landTHE KING'S BUSINESS
307Jesus, I live to TheeDENNIS
308Thou the grace of life supplyingI WOULD LOVE THEEText InfoText
309Our God is love, and all his saintsCOWPERText
310Love is the fountain whenceGERARText
311Jesus, joy of livingJESU MEINE FREUDE
312Rejoice! Rejoice! Ye saints, rejoice!ZION'S COURTSText
313In Thee is gladness in every sadnessIN DIR IS FREUDE
314Thou wilt keep him in perfect peaceFÜRCHTE DICH NICHT
315Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sinPAX TECUM
316I am satisfied with JesusROUTH
317I am unworthy to suffer with theeLEIDEN
318O Thou from whom sweet patience flowsNAOMI
319Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!BLESSED ASSURANCE
320Jesus, Thy blood and righteousnessWAREHAM
321I know that my Redeemer livesBRADFORD
322How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordHUGERText
323How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordADESTE FIDELESText
324In Christ my Saviour's wounds secureGEWISSHEIT
325My hope is built on nothing lessTHE SOLID ROCK
326O Holy Saviour, Friend unseenFLEMMING
327We walk by faith, and not by sightHERMANN
328We saw Thee not when thou didst comeST. PETERSBURG NEW
329I know not why God's wondrous graceEL NATHAN
330Faith is a living pow'r from heav'nHESPERUSText
331Under His wings I am safely abidingUNDER HIS WINGS
332I must tell Jesus all of my trialsI MUST TELL JESUS
333Be not dismayed whate'er betideGOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU
334O thou in whose presence my soul takes delightBELOVED
335How gentle God's commands!DENNIS
336God moves in a mysterious wayDUNFERMLINE
337The Lord of glory is my lightTHE LORD OF GLORYText
338Yield not to temptationYIELD NOT TO TEMPTATION
339O for a faith that will not shrinkDOWNS
340Oft in danger, oft in woeCULBACH NEWText
341Thy way and all thy sorrowsBEFIEHL DU DEINE WEGE
342Father, to Thee we look in all our sorrowST. BARNABAS
343Lord, Thy blessed Word obeyingMABYN
344Thou art my portion, O my GodBOARDMAN
345Lo, what a pleasing sightGERAR
346How pleasant and how good it isINVITATION
347I wonder, often wonderI WONDERText
348We give Thee but Thine ownDETROIT
349Father, now Thy sinful childUNIVERSITY COLLEGEText
350Did Christ o'er sinners weepDULCE DOMUM
351Lord, in the fullness of thy mightES IST EIN BORN
352O to be like Thee! blessed RedeemerO TO BE LIKE THEE
353My Savior and my Lord, let our lips now acclaim TheeNEW GREENLAND
354I need Thee ev'ry hourI NEED THEE
355O Son of God, all loves excellingWER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT LÄSST WALTENText Info
356Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heartMORRIS
357Come into my heart, blessed JesusINTO MY HEART
358I'm pressing on the upward wayHIGHER GROUND
359Nearer, my God, to theeBETHANY
360Oh, for a closer walk with GodELIZABETHTOWN
361O love that casts out fearST. DENYSText
362Oh, for a heart to praise my GodSOLITUDE
363Jesus, keep me near the crossNEAR THE CROSS
364Abide with me, I need Thee ev'ry dayABIDE WITH METext
365I have yielded myself to Thy serviceMY HEART SAYS AMEN
366Fully surrendered, Lord divineI WILL BE TRUE TO THEE
367I gave my life for theeI GAVE MY LIFE
368Ready to suffer grief or painREADY
369My life, my love I give to TheeI'LL LIVE FOR HIM
370How I praise Thee, precious SaviourCHANNELS ONLY
371Have Thine own way, Lord, Have Thine own way!HAVE THINE OWN WAY
372I can hear my Saviour callingNORRIS
373It may not be on the mountain's heightI'LL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO
374Take my life, and let it beHENDONText
375Take my life, and let it beYARBROUGHText
376Saviour, who died for meI GIVE MYSELF TO THEE
377O come to Mount Zion, the mount of the Lord!IHR KINDERLEIN KOMMET
378Church of God, thou spotless virginCHURCH OF GOD
379The Church's one FoundationAURELIA
380Christ is our cornerstoneDARWALL 148
381Glorious things of thee are spokenGLORIOUS THINGS
382Zion stands with hills surroundedZION
383Unto Thy temple, Lord, we comeMENDON
384Unto Thy church, Thy body, LordJAZER
385Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathedST. CUTHBERT
386Within Thy tabernacle, LordTALLIS ORDINAL
387People of the living GodENNIUS
388Come, let us rise with ChristABIDE WITH ME
389The church of God a kingdom isSO LANGE JESUS BLEIBT DER HERR
390Glorious kingdom of our GodINNOCENTS
391Christ hath a garden walled aroundLOUVAN
392Ye are the light of the worldYE ARE THE LIGHTText
393Forward, flock of JesusST. GERTRUDEText Info
394Leader of faithful souls, and GuideSTELLA
395We are pilgrims on the earthCAPETOWN
396Pilgrim, awake! to newborn lifeWARRINGTON
397A pilgrim and a strangerI NEED THEE PRECIOUS JESUS
398Jesus, Jesus, Life, the fountainGREENVILLE NEW
399Jesu, Jesu, Brunn des LebensGREENVILLE NEWText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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