The Christian's Duty: exhibited in a series of hymns collected from various authors designed for the worship of God, and for the edification of Christians (2nd ed.)

Publisher: Peter Leibert, Germantown, Penn., 1801
Denomination: German Baptist Brethren (U.S.)
Notes: Hymns are numbered with Roman numerals. The section of "select spiritual songs" in the back are numbered with the prefix "S."
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CCCITwo are better far than OnePage Scan
CCCIIUpward I lift mine EyesPage Scan
CCCIIIVain Man thy fond Pursuits forbearPage Scan
CCCIVWe are a Garden wall'd aroundPage Scan
CCCVWe bless the Father and the SonPage Scan
CCCVIWhat Contradictions meetPage Scan
CCCVIIWhat equal Honours shall we bringPage Scan
CCCVIIIWhat happy Men, or Angels, thesePage Scan
CCCIXWhat mighty Man, or mighty GodPage Scan
CCCXWhat shall I render to my GodPage Scan
CCCXIWhat think you of Christ? is the TestPage Scan
CCCXIIWhat various Hindrances we meetPage Scan
CCCXIIIWhen all thy Mercies, O my God Page Scan
CCCXIVWhen Abraham's Servant to procurePage Scan
CCCXVWhen blooming Youth is snatch'd awayPage Scan
CCCXVIWhen Christ shall rend from End to EndPage Scan
CCCXVIIWhen compass'd with Clouds of DistressPage Scan
CCCXVIIIWhen Darkness long has veil'd my MindPage Scan
CCCXIXWhen descending from the SkyPage Scan
CCCXXWhen God reveal'd his gracious NamePage Scan
CCCXXIWhen Hannah press'd with GriefPage Scan
CCCXXIIWhen I can read my Title clearPage Scan
CCCXXIIIWhen John (tho' a Man)Page Scan
CCCXXIVWhen Joseph his Brethren beheldPage Scan
CCCXXVWhen, O dear Jesus, when shall IPage Scan
CCCXXVIWhen our great Sov'reign from on HighPage Scan
CCCXXVIIWhen rising from the Bed of DeathPage Scan
CCCXXVIIIWhen we are rais'd from deep DistressPage Scan
CCCXXIXWhence do our mournful Thoughts arisePage Scan
CCCXXXWhile Shepherds watch their Flocks by NightPage Scan
CCCXXXIWho has believ'd thy WordPage Scan
CCCXXXIIWho is this fair One in DistressPage Scan
CCCXXXIIIWho shall inhabit in thy HillPage Scan
CCCXXXIVWhy do we mourn departing Friends?Page Scan
CCCXXXVWhy flow these Torrents of Distress?Page Scan
CCCXXXVIWith Joy we meditate the GracePage Scan
CCCXXXVIIYe Children of your God attendPage Scan
CCCXXXVIIIYe dying Sons of MenPage Scan
CCCXXXIXYe humble Souls, approach your GodPage Scan
CCCXLYe humble Souls that seek the LordPage Scan
CCCXLIYe humble Sinners, in whose BreastPage Scan
CCCXLIIYe little Flock, whom Jesus feedsPage Scan
CCCXLIIIYe mourning Saints, whose streaming TearsPage Scan
CCCXLIVYe Souls that fear the LordPage Scan
CCCXLVYe Worlds of Light, that roll so nearPage Scan
CCCXLVIYe Sons of Earth prepare the PloughPage Scan
CCCXLVIIYe Sons of Men, a feeble RacePage Scan
CCCXLVIIIYe Sons of Pride that hate the JustPage Scan
CCCXLIXYe Virgin Souls, arisePage Scan
CCCLYes, there are Joys that cannot diePage Scan
CCCLIYonder--amazing Sight!--I seePage Scan
CCCLIIZion rejoice, lift up your VoicePage Scan
CCCLIIIO God of Good th' unfathomed SeaTextPage Scan
CCCLIVThe Lord is come; the Heav'ns proclaimTextPage Scan
CCCLVHow glorious is our heav'nly KingPage Scan
CCCLVIThro' all the changing Scenes of LifePage Scan
CCCLVIIEarly, my God, without DelayTextPage Scan
CCCLVIIIYe boundless Realms of JoyTextPage Scan
CCCLIXWhy should the Children of a KingTextPage Scan
CCCLXEternal Pow'r, whose high AbodePage Scan
CCCLXIHow long, O Lord, shall I complainTextPage Scan
CCCLXIIHow long wilt thou conceal thy Face?TextPage Scan
CCCLXIIICome, ye that love LordTextPage Scan
CCCLXIVSweet is the Mem'ry of thy GraceTextPage Scan
CCCLXVBless'd be that dear uniting LoveTextPage Scan
S.IAll Hail the Power of Jesu's name!Page Scan
S.IIAnd is this Heaven, and am I there?TextPage Scan
S.IIIAnd let this feeble Body failTextPage Scan
S.IVAwake my Zeal, awake my LoveTextPage Scan
S.VBurst ye Em'rald Gates and bringTextPage Scan
S.VIDismiss us from thy House of Pray'rTextPage Scan
S.VIIFather, is not thy promise pledg'dPage Scan
S.VIIIGive me the Wings of Faith to riseTextPage Scan
S.IXIn boundless Mercy, gracious Lord, appearTextPage Scan
S.XIt is a very pleasant ThingTextPage Scan
S.XIJesus shall reign where'er the SunTextPage Scan
S.XIILife is the Time to serve the LordTextPage Scan
S.XIIIMagnificent free Grace, ariseTextPage Scan
S.XIVNow shall my inward Joys ariseTextPage Scan
S.XVNow shall our Hearts with Pleasure raiseTextPage Scan
S.XVINow the Saviour Stands a pleadingTextPage Scan
S.XVIIO Thou God of my SalvationTextPage Scan
S.XVIIIOf all the Pleasures that we knowTextPage Scan
S.XIXOh, for a closer Walk with God!Page Scan
S.XXOh! give me Lord my Sins to mournTextPage Scan
S.XXIWhile on the Verge of Life I staneTextPage Scan
S.XXIIO when shall I see JesusTextPage Scan
S.XXIIIOur Lord is risen from the DeadTextPage Scan
S.XXIVSinner, O why so Thoughtless grown?TextPage Scan
S.XXVThe Lord into his Garden comeTextPage Scan
S.XXVIThere is a Land of pure DelightTextPage Scan
S.XXVIIThou whom my Soul admires aboveTextPage Scan
S.XXVIIIThe Lord of Earth and SkyTextPage Scan
S.XXIXShepherds, rejoice! lift up your EyesPage Scan
S.XXXTo the Haven of thy BreastTextPage Scan
S.XXXIHow lost was my ConditionPage Scan
S.XXXIIWhy should we start, and fear to die?TextPage Scan
S.XXXIIII'll praise my Maker while I've BreathPage Scan
S.XXXIVMake up thy Jewels Lord, and shewTextPage Scan
S.XXXVMy Soul, survey thy HappinessTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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