The Book of Common Praise: being the hymn book of The Church of England in Canada (revised 1938)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
578bIn the hour of trialPENITENCE
579Rock of ages, cleft for meREDHEAD No. 76
580aThy life was given for meOLD 120TH
580bThy life was given for mePRESENTATION
580cThy life was given for meTHY LIFE WAS GIVENScoreAudio
581Cast thy care on JesusERIPE MEScoreAudio
582aO for a closer walk with GodMARTYRDOM
582bO for a closer walk with GodCAITHNESS
583aCome ye yourselves apart and rest awhileBIRMINGHAM
583bCome ye yourselves apart and rest awhileMORECAMBE
584Jesu, grant me this, I prayGIBBONS
585aRevive thy work, O LordST. MICHAEL
585bRevive thy work, O LordVENICE
586aMust Jesus bear the Cross aloneHANNAH
586bMust Jesus bear the Cross aloneST. AGNES
587Lord Jesu, when we stand afarUFFINGHAM (ST. LUKE)
588In the Cross of Christ I gloryCROSS OF JESUS
589Take up thy cross, the Saviour saidBRESLAU
590aThe head that once was crowned with thornsST. MAGNUS
590bThe head that once was crowned with thornsST. FULBERT
591cThou art the Way; to thee aloneST. JAMES
592A Saviour, may we never restCASTLEFORDScoreAudio
593When I survey the wondrous CrossROCKINGHAM
594We sing the praise of him who diedBRESLAU
595Into the woods my Master wentLANIER
596My song is love unknownLOVE UNKNOWN
597aGod, who touchest earth with beautySPIRITUS CHRISTIScoreAudio
597bGod, who touchest earth with beautyGLEN BERNARD
598aFor the beauty of the earthENGLAND'S LANE
598bFor the beauty of the earthST. HUGHScoreAudio
599Summer suns are glowingRUTH
600This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATA
601All beautiful the march of days, as seasons come and goKINGSFOLD
602aThe spacious firmament on highLONDON (ADDISON'S)
602bThe spacious firmament on highCREATION
603aThere is a book, who runs may readST. FLAVIAN
603bThere is a book, who runs may readRODMELL
604Fairest Lord JesusCRUSDAER'S HYMN
605Into the heart of the wildwoodWILDWOOD
606aJesus lives! thy terrors nowCHRISTUS IST ERSTANDEN
606bJesus lives! thy terrors nowST. ALBINUS
607aJesus, these eyes have never seenABERDEEN
607bJesus, these eyes have never seenGRÄFENBURG (NUN DANKET ALL)
607cJesus, these eyes have never seenFINGAL
608Jerusalem on highCHRISTCHURCH
609O mother dear, JerusalemMATERNA
610Jerusalem, my happy homeSOUTHWELL
611Let saints on earth in concert singDUNDEE
612aA few more years shall rollCHALVEY
612bA few more years shall rollLEOMINSTER
613O what their joy and their glory beREGNATOR ORBIS (O QUANTA QUALIA)
614aWhere the Light for ever shinethHORNSEYAudio
614bWhere the Light for ever shinethMELTONAudio
615aThere is a blessed homeANNUE CHRISTE
615bThere is a blessed homeTHE BLESSED HOME
616Lo! round the throne, a glorious bandSOLOTHURN
617Pleasant are thy courts aboveMAIDSTONE
618Glorious things of thee are spokenAUSTRIA
619Palms of glory, raiment brightPALMS OF GLORY
620There is a land of pure delightCOVENANTERS
621Now the labourer's task is o'erREQUIESCAT
622a'For ever with the Lord!'MOVING TENT
622b'For ever with the Lord!'NEARER HOME
623aThere is no night in heavenWINDERMERE
623bThere is no night in heavenWOOLWICH
624City of God, how broad and farRICHMOND
625Hush! Blessed are the deadDOLOMITE CHANT
626aBrief life is here our portionST. ALPHEGE
626bBrief life is here our portionDEVONSHIRE
627Jerusalem the goldenEWING
628aLight's abode, celestial SalemURBS COELESTIS
628bLight's abode, celestial SalemREGENT SQUARE
628cLight's abode, celestial SalemTRIUMPH
629Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORD
630I heard a sound of voicesGRESHAM
631aThose eternal bowers man hath never trodST. JOHN DAMASCENE
631bThose eternal bowers man hath never trodCUDDESDON
632aO valiant hearts, who to your glory cameFARLEY CASTLE
632bO valiant hearts, who to your glory cameHARRIS
633aThey whose course on earth is o'erBATTISHILL (ST. ALBAN'S)
633bThey whose course on earth is o'erWEBER
634Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joySLANE
635O Jesus, strong and pure and trueCAPEL
636Work, for the night is coming!DILIGENCE
637Stars of evening, softly gleamingANGEL VOICES
638aYouth of the world, ariseFROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH
638bYouth of the world, ariseDOMINICA
639Shepherd of eager youthKIRBY BEDON
640I would be true, for there are those who trust meDAWLISH
641O Son of Man, our Hero strong and tenderST. OSYTH
642Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sinYIELD NOT TO TEMPTATION
643aGod send us men whose aim 'twill beBIRLING
643bGod send us men whose aim 'twill beMELROSE
644aFather in heaven, who lovest allLLEDROD (LLANGOLLEN)
644bFather in heaven, who lovest allMAINZER
645O Son of Man, who walked each dayCOMRADE
646Just as I am, thine own to beELMHURST
647O Master Workman of the raceBETHLEHEM
648Day is dying in the westCHAUTAUQUA
649aO brother man, fold to thy heart thy brotherWELWYN

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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