Book of Worship with Hymns and Tunes

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
381O turn, great Ruler of the skiesCRUX BEATATextPage Scan
382O Thou who wouldst not havePRAYERTextPage Scan
383Jesus, full of all compassionWRAYSBURYTextPage Scan
384Hark! through the courts of heavenFESTAL SONGTextPage Scan
385God of mercy! God of grace!ESHTEMOATextPage Scan
386With tears of anguish I lamentLYNDHURSTTextPage Scan
387Thou Lord of all aboveOLMUTZTextPage Scan
388My hope, my portion, and my GodST. PETERTextPage Scan
389Weary of earth, and laden with my sinLANGRANTextPage Scan
390When, rising from the bed of deathHOWARDTextPage Scan
391Out of the depths I cry to TheeLUTHER'S HYMNTextPage Scan
392Lead, kindly Light! amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNATextPage Scan
393O Thou, the contrite sinners' Friend!ELLIOTTTextPage Scan
394Spirit of God descend upon my heartELLERTONTextPage Scan
395Jesus, Saviour, pilot mePILOTTextPage Scan
396O Thou, from whom all goodness flowsBEATITUDOTextPage Scan
397God of my salvation, hearPENITENCETextPage Scan
398O God of mercy, God of mightMORRISTextPage Scan
399Lord, I hear of showers of blessingEVEN METextPage Scan
400Lord, keep us steadfast in Thy wordLUTHERTextPage Scan
401I need Thee every hourVERNONTextPage Scan
402aRock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADYTextPage Scan
402bRock of Ages, cleft for meMEMORIALTextPage Scan
403And didst Thou, Jesus, condescendGRIGGTextPage Scan
404Come, Thou long-expected JesusSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
405There is a voice of sovereign graceST. AGNESTextPage Scan
406O Jesus, Saviour of the lostBELMONTTextPage Scan
407Brightly gleams our bannerST. ALBANTextPage Scan
408Take my life, and let it beMESSIAHTextPage Scan
409Come, my soul, thy suit prepareINNOCENTSTextPage Scan
410Approach, my soul, the mercy-seatBROWNINGTextPage Scan
411The Lord, who truly knowsFERGUSONTextPage Scan
412Jesus, grant me this, I prayESHTEMOATextPage Scan
413Teach me, my God and KingST. MARGARETTextPage Scan
414Oh, for a heart to praise my GodWOODSIDETextPage Scan
415My hope is built on nothing lessSOLID ROCKTextPage Scan
416Jesus, Thou art my RighteousnessHOLY CROSSTextPage Scan
417Lord, we confess our numerous faultsROMBERGTextPage Scan
418Jesus, Thy blood and RighteousnessCHRISTI BLUTTextPage Scan
419In Thy cleft, O Rock of AgesKELLERTextPage Scan
420Precious, precious blood of JesusBULLINGERTextPage Scan
421Blest is the man, for ever blestALEXANDERTextPage Scan
422Oh, for a faith that will not shrinkBELMONTTextPage Scan
423If Thou impart Thyself to meLEONTextPage Scan
424Walk in the light! so shalt thou knowVALENTIATextPage Scan
425Oh, that the Lord would guide my waysDOWNSTextPage Scan
426Not with our mortal eyesCARLISLETextPage Scan
427What a friend we have in JesusERIETextPage Scan
428aNearer, my God, to TheeBETHANYTextPage Scan
428bNearer, my God, to TheeKEDRONTextPage Scan
429I love to steal awhile awayWOODSTOCKTextPage Scan
430Always with us, always with usSTOCKWELLTextPage Scan
431Thou Shepherd of Israel divineENON'S ISLETextPage Scan
432Oh, could I find, from day to dayEVANTextPage Scan
433Jesus! Thy boundless love to meST. CATHERINETextPage Scan
434My God! permit me not to beROSE HILLTextPage Scan
435Let me be Thine foreverTESCHNERTextPage Scan
436Jesus, I my cross have takenARMSTRONGTextPage Scan
437Blest Jesus! when my soaring thoughtsARMENIATextPage Scan
438Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsAMSTERDAMTextPage Scan
439Great God, indulge my humble claimWELLSTextPage Scan
440On Christ, by faith, my soul would liveSTIRLINGTextPage Scan
441My God, accept my heart this dayDALEHURSTTextPage Scan
442Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!GERMANYTextPage Scan
443When Jesus dwelt in mortal clayTextPage Scan
444Fountain of good, to own Thy loveCADDOTextPage Scan
445Blest are the undefiled in heartHENRYTextPage Scan
446Jesus, my Saviour and my GodMENDONTextPage Scan
447How happy are the young who hearDEVIZESTextPage Scan
448There is a house not made with handsTAPPANTextPage Scan
449Oh, mean may seem this house of clayBELMONTTextPage Scan
450I think, when I read that sweet story of oldSWEET STORYTextPage Scan
451aMy God, I love Thee--not becauseHORSLEYTextPage Scan
451bMy God, I love Thee--not becauseWITTENBERGTextPage Scan
452I love the Lord: He heard my criesSERENITYTextPage Scan
453I lift my heart to TheeBUDLEIGHTextPage Scan
454Happy the heart where graces reignBOARDMANTextPage Scan
455Come, ye that love the LordSHIRLANDTextPage Scan
456My God, the Spring of all my joysST. AGNESTextPage Scan
457Children of the heavenly KingBRASTEDTextPage Scan
458Sometimes a light surprisesEVARTSTextPage Scan
459aBlest are the pure in heartGILDASTextPage Scan
459bBlest are the pure in heartCHISELHURSTTextPage Scan
460aChristian children must be holyRATHBUNTextPage Scan
460bChristian children must be holySTAUNTONTextPage Scan
461aLord, for ever at Thy sideKÜCKENTextPage Scan
461bLord, for ever at Thy sideJERSEYTextPage Scan
462Ever patient, gentle, meekGUIDETextPage Scan
463Jesus, cast a look on me!NEW CALABARTextPage Scan
464Gentle Jesus, meek and mildTRUSTINGTextPage Scan
465Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?PAX TECUMTextPage Scan
466From every stormy wind that blowsRETREATTextPage Scan
467O Lord, how full of sweet contentHURSLEYTextPage Scan
468I look to Jesus, and the faceORIELTextPage Scan
469When I can read my title clearBROWNTextPage Scan
470What cheering words are these!LAKE ENONTextPage Scan
471O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore!PAULINATextPage Scan
472aPrince of peace, control my willIRVINTextPage Scan
472bPrince of peace, control my willST. BEESTextPage Scan
473Father! whate'er of earthly blissJERUSALEMTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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