Bible School Songs

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d1Above the clouds that veil the blue
d2Am I a soldier of the cross
d3Are you living in the blessed sunshine
d4Are you working for the Master every day
d5Arise, he calleth thee
d6As we journey on life's pathway
d7Awake, awake, O earth, thy many voices
d8Beautiful angels are guarding us
d9Beside the cross, an open door
d10Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love
d11Brother, the Master is calling anew
d12Careless pilgrim, now arise
d13Christ has called to service
d14Cling to the Mighty One
d15Come, Holy Spirit, calm
d16Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with all thy quickening powers
d17Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
d18Crowds around the Master gathered
d19Deep in my heart's a garden
d20Do the cares of life oppress
d21Every eye shall see his face
d22Everything that life containeth
d23Following Christ wherever he goeth
d24Following Jesus day by day
d25Friends, if we would know
d26Gathering in the gems from the ocean
d27Give me thy heart today
d28Go earnestly forward, out into the highways
d29Go forth, go forth for Jesus now
d30Go to Jesus with thy sorrows, He thy burdened soul
d31Grace, it is a charming
d32Grant me thy bountiful blessing
d33Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
d34Has the sun of righteousness
d35Have you heard the voice of Jesus whisper
d36He died for me, the Son of God
d37He leadeth me, O blessed thought
d38Hear the Savior saying, Come to me
d39Here am I, send me, precious Savior
d40Here we have a time of sorrow
d41Hide me, O my Savior, hide me From the tempter's darts
d42Holy Ghost, with light [love] [power] divine
d43Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early
d44How dear to my heart is the story of old
d45I am glad that Christ
d46I am leaning on Jesus, my dearest friend
d47I am walking where the sahdow
d48I can hear my [the] Savior calling
d49I cannot tell thee whence it came
d50I cannot tell when God shall call my soul
d51I could not do without thee, O Savior
d52I gladly will follow my blessed Redeemer
d53I have found the waters sweet
d54I have God's word in my heart hid
d55I have precious news to tell
d56I love thee every hour, thou loving One
d57I love thy kingdom, Lord
d58I need the prayers of those I love, while traveling
d59I will never, never leave thee
d60If any man thirst, let him come unto me
d61If the sinful ways of life
d62If you have a kind word, say it
d63I'll cast my burden on the Lord
d64I'm always rejoicing, for Jesus is mine
d65I'm yearning for deeper communion
d66In all points tempted
d67In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, towering
d68In the path of duty lies the promise
d69In the shadow of the rock Let me rest
d70I've [I have] found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me
d71I've seen the lightning [lightnings] [flash] flashing, And heard the thunder roll
d72Jesus, I love thee, Thou art to me Dearer than ever
d73Jesus is calling, tenderly calling
d74Jesus is my Shepherd, I his lamb will be
d75Jesus is tenderly pleading, pleading with you today
d76Jesus is waiting to save you, Jesus is calling
d77Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d78Jesus, Savior, pilot me
d79Jesus will save, for your soul he hath given
d80Just a little sunshine everywhere we go
d81Just across the river we shall dwell forever
d82Just beyond life's purpling twilight
d83Keep close to the Savior
d84Kneeling here in deepest
d85Let me cling to thee, O Rock of ages
d86Like a low and somber valley
d87Low at thy feet, my Savior
d88Mighty army of the young
d89More like Jesus would I be
d90More love to thee, O Christ [God]
d91Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d92My brother, two voices
d93My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d94My days are gliding swiftly by
d95My God reveals himself
d96My heart was full of deep unrest
d97My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
d98My Jesus [Savior], I love thee, I know thou art mine
d99My Savior is my Friend
d100Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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