Psalter Hymnal (Blue)

After the 1935/1956 "Red" Psalter Hymnal came the 1959/1976 "Blue" Psalter Hymnal--originally named the "centennial" hymnal. Read more about CRC Psalmody/Hymnody in Bert Polman's article "A History of Music in the Christian Reformed Church."
Featured Article:
"A History of Worship in the Christian Reformed Church" by Bert Polman (from The Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1998, ed. by Emily Brink and Bert Polman)
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301Hallelujah, praise JehovahRIPLEY
302Praise ye the Lord, for it is good, to sing unto our GodMINERVA
303O sing ye HallelujahHARTFORD (Dykes)
304Hallelujah, praise JehovahKIRKPATRICK
305Praise the Lord in heavenly placesLYDIA
306O praise ye the Lord And sing a new songHANOVER (CROFT)
307Ye who His temple throngTRINITY (ITALIAN HYMN)
308Hallelujah, Praise ye God!GLORIA
309Hallelujah! HallelujahWELLESLEY
310Hallelujah! HallelujahSICILIAN MARINERS
311We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorKREMSER
312We gather together to ask the Lord's blessingKREMSER
313We praise Thee, O God, our Lord and our KingHANOVER (CROFT)
314Come, thou fount of every blessingNETTLETON
315O woship the King, all-glorious aboveLYONS
316Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKET
317Come, Thou Almighty KingTRINITY (ITALIAN HYMN)
318Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God AlmightyNICEA
319All glory be to Thee, Most HighALLEIN GOTT
320Safely through another weekDIX
321O day of rest and gladnessMENDEBRAS
322When morning gilds the skyLAUDES DOMINI
323Father, again in Jesus' Name we meetLANGRAN
324God himself is with usARNSBERG
325Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessingSICILIAN MARINERS
326Savior, again, to Thy dear Name we raiseELLERS
327Praise to the Lord. the Almighty, the King of creationLOBE DEN HERREN
328My God, how wonderful Thou artST. ETHELDREDA
329O love of God, how strong and trueLOUVAN
330O Jesus, we adore TheeMEIRONYDD
331O Come. O Come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUEL
332My soul doth magnify the LordPENTECOST
333Blest be the God of IsraelBENEDICTUS
334Now may Thy servant, LordNUNC DIMITTIS
335Come, Thou long-expected JesusSTUTTGART
336How bright appears the Morning StarWIE SCHÖN LEUCHTET
337Joy to the world! the Lord is comeANTIOCH
338While shepherds watched their flocks by nightCHRISTMAS
339Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHN
340Angels, from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUARE
341O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphantADESTE FIDELES
342Silent Night! Holy Night!STILLE NACHT
343Brightest and best of the sons of the morningMORNING STAR
344Break forth, O beauteous heavenly lightSCHOP
345From heaven above to earth I comeVOM HIMMEL HOCH
346Christians, awake, salute the happy mornYORKSHIRE
347Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldSPOHR
348All glory, laud, and honorST. THEODULPH
349Hosanna, loud hosannaELLACOMBE
350When I survey the wondrous crossHAMBURG
351Ah, dearest Jesus, how hast Thou offendedHERZLEIBSTER JESU
352Alas! and did my Savior bleedAVON (MARTYRDOM)
353Beneath the cross of JesusST. CHRISTOPHER
354Jesus, keep me near the crossNEAR THE CROSS
355O sacred Head, now woundedPASSION CHORALE
356"Christ the Lord is risen today,"EASTER HYMN
357Low in the grave He layCHRIST AROSE
358The strife is o'er, the battle donePALESTRINA (VICTORY)
359Angels, roll the rock awayHENDON
360Alleluia! Allelula!TON-Y-BOTEL
361Praise the Savior Now and everUPP, MIN TUNGA
362Come, ye faithful, raise the strainST. KEVIN
363"Welcome, happy morning!" age to age shall sayFORTUNATUS
364The day of resurrectionLANCASHIRE
365See, the Conqueror mounts in triumphREX GLORIAE
366Alleluia! sing to Jesus!LOWELL
367Hark! ten thousand harps and voicesHARWELL
368Rejoice, the Lord Is KingARTHUR'S SEAT
369Hail, Thou once despised JesusNOBLE
370Day of judgment! day of wonders!CORONAE
371Wake, awake, for night is flyingSLEEPERS, WAKE
372At the Name of JesusKING OF GLORY
373Beautiful SaviorCRUSADERS' HYMN
374This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATA
375Jesus, the very thought of TheeST. AGNES
376O Christ, our hope, our heart's desireMANOAH
377We have heard the joyful soundJESUS SAVES
378I know not why God's wondrous graceEL NATHAN
379Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly wholeFISCHER
380Amazing grace! how sweet the soundARLINGTON
381"Man of sorrows," what a nameHALLELUJAH! WHAT A SAVIOR
382Majestic sweetness sits enthronedORTONVILLE
383O for a thousand tongues to singAZMON
384How sweet the Name of Jesus soundsST. PETER
385'Tis not that I did choose TheeCRUCIFIX
386How vast the benefits divineSERAPH
387I soughtFINLANDIA
388Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADY
389Not what my hands have doneLEOMINSTER
390Eternal Spirit, God of TruthSARAH
391Breathe on me, Breath of GodTRENTHAM
392Spirit divine, attnd our prayerGRÄFENBERG
393Creator, Spirit, by whose aidMELITA
394Spirit of God, dwell Thou within my heartMORECAMBE
395Holy Spirit, light divineMERCY (GOTTSCHALK)
396Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly DoveST. AGNES
397Dwell in me, O blessed SpiritDWELL IN ME
398The Church's one foundationAURELIA
399Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREET
400Shout, for the blessed Jesus reignsTRURO

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