Better Convention Songs, Our 1929 Book

Editor: H. C. Collins, L. L. Lovett
Publisher: Florida Song-Book Co., Tallahassee, Fla., 1923
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101Some morning fair, my Lord will call
d102Some morning, when the shadows vanish
d103Sometime the shadows will be gone
d104Sometime will set life's golden sun
d105Telling the story, glad and sweet
d106The heavens declare thy glory, Lord
d107The king of glory ever lives
d108The Lord left his home and his glory
d109The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide, A shelter
d110The road to heaven by Christ was made
d111The Savior is coming in glory
d112The winds may blow and the rain may flow
d113There is a fairer world above
d114There is a home of joy above
d115There will be a happy time
d116There's a great throng up in glory
d117There's a land of delight where cometh
d118There's a song I'm singing as I go along
d119Though not a star above I see
d120Though weary seems the way and long
d121To thy dear house, our God, we come
d122Walking in sunlight all of my journey
d123We're traveling on to a home in the skies
d124What a fellowship, what a joy divine
d125What would the profit be, O man
d126When Christ, the Lord, was slain upon the tree
d127When hard the task I do for him
d128When he shall come to the world
d129When heavy seems the cross I bear
d130When Jesus leads, the way is fair
d131When the Lord calls the ransomed
d132When the Lord shall come from the lofty skies
d133When the Savior came from his home on high
d134When we reach the glory of the better land
d135While I journey with my Savior near
d136While Jesus whispers to you
d137Why did my Savior come to earth
d138With harps and with vials, there stands
d139With joyous song we press along
d140With my Lord to lead and guide
d141With our hearts in accord
d142With the mighty Savior at my side
d143Would you be free from the [your] burden of sin

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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