At Worship: a hymnal for young churchmen

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Breathe on me, Breath of GodTRENTHAMPage Scan
202Father, in thy mysterious presence kneelingSTRENGTH AND STAYPage Scan
203'Mid all the traffic of the waysST. AGNESPage Scan
204O gracious Father of mankindOLD 22NDPage Scan
205Dear Father, whom we cannot seeNICOLAUS (Lobt Gott)Page Scan
206Make me a captive, LordLLANLLYFNIPage Scan
207Love Divine, all love excellingBEECHERPage Scan
208Grant us, O God, a single aimSAN VICENTEPage Scan
209Father of lights, in whom there is no shadowLOMBARD STREETPage Scan
210O Son of Man, our Hero strong and tenderILONAPage Scan
211Jesus, Lover of my soulABERYSTWYTHPage Scan
212Christ, whose glory fills the skiesRATISBON (Jesu, meine Zuversicht)Page Scan
213My faith looks up to theeOLIVETPage Scan
214Dear Lord and Father of mankindREST (ELTON)Page Scan
215God be in my headGOD BE IN MY HEADPage Scan
216"Lift up your hearts!" We lift them, Lord, to theeBIRMINGHAMPage Scan
217Dear Lord, who sought at dawn of dayANGELUS (Du meiner Seelen)Page Scan
218Lord, what a change within us one short hourMAGDAPage Scan
219Still, still with thee, when purple morning breakethCONSOLATIONPage Scan
220I need thee every hourNEEDPage Scan
221Abide with me: fast falls the eventideEVENTIDE (Monk)Page Scan
222Ev'ry time I feel the spiritI FEEL THE SPIRITPage Scan
223Lead us, heavenly Father, lead usCORINTHPage Scan
224The King of love my Shepherd isDOMINUS REGIT MEPage Scan
225The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantEVANPage Scan
226O for a closer walk with GodBEATITUDOPage Scan
227Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blestVENI CREATORPage Scan
228Immortal Love, forever fullSERENITYPage Scan
229O Son of Man, who walked each daySEABURYPage Scan
230Awake my soul, stretch every nerveCHRISTMASPage Scan
231Lead on, O King EternalLLANGLOFFANPage Scan
232Where cross the crowded ways of lifeGERMANYPage Scan
233The voice of God is callingMEIRIONYDDPage Scan
234We are living, we are dwellingBLAENHAFRENPage Scan
235Creation's Lord, we give thee thanksEISENACHPage Scan
236Lord God of Hosts, whose purpose, never swervingINTERCESSORPage Scan
237Christian, rise, and act thy creedINNOCENTSPage Scan
238God of grace and God of gloryCWM RHONDDAPage Scan
239O hear them marching, marchingGREENLANDPage Scan
240Peace in our time, O LordICH HALTE TREULICH STILLPage Scan
241Eternal God, whose pow'r upholdsPETERSHAMPage Scan
242Goin' to lay down my burdenSTUDY WAR NO MOREPage Scan
243God of the nations, near and farWALSALLPage Scan
244Heralds of Christ, who bear the King's commandsALL SOULSPage Scan
245Christ for the world we singDORTPage Scan
246O Zion, haste, thy mission high fulfillingANGELIC SONGSPage Scan
247O God, in whose great purposePATMOSPage Scan
248I love to tell the storyI LOVE TO TELL THE STORYPage Scan
249I love thy kingdom, LordST. THOMASPage Scan
250O Lord of life, thy kingdom is at handERFYNIADPage Scan
251Great God, we sing that mighty handWAREHAMPage Scan
252Ring out, wild bells, to the wild skyDEUS TUORUM MILITUMPage Scan
253Another year is dawningST. ANSELMPage Scan
254From glory unto glory!HOYTE (St. Columba)Page Scan
255Father, let me dedicateDEDICATIONPage Scan
256God give us friends in whom we findMONTGOMERYPage Scan
257aBlest be the tie that bindsWINDERMEREPage Scan
257bBlest be the tie that bindsDENNISPage Scan
258Because I have been given muchTHY GREAT BOUNTYPage Scan
259Father of men, in whom are oneLLANGOEDMORPage Scan
260We thank thee, Lord, thy paths of service leadLONGWOODPage Scan
261O it is hard to work for GodKINGSFOLDPage Scan
262My Master was a workerSEDGWICKPage Scan
263We bear the strain of earthly careTALLIS' ORDINALPage Scan
264O still in accents sweet and strongST. FLAVIANPage Scan
265Go, labor on; spend and be spentWILDERNESSPage Scan
266Come, kindred, upstand in the valor of JesusWAS LEBET, WAS SCHWEBETPage Scan
267Behold us, Lord, a little spaceFERRYPage Scan
268All labor gained new dignityMEYER (Es ist kein Tag)Page Scan
269Close by the heedless worker's sideEXONPage Scan
270O Son of Man, thou madest knownMENDONPage Scan
271O Light, from age to age the sameEATINGTONPage Scan
272My country is the worldDENBIGHPage Scan
273God of the nations, who, from dawn of daysBURLEIGHPage Scan
274Rejoice, O land, in God thy mightSAMSONPage Scan
275O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNAPage Scan
276My country, 'tis of theeAMERICAPage Scan
277"O beautiful, my country!"HELDER (Wohlauf thut nicht verzagen)Page Scan
278God of our fathers, whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNPage Scan
279Judge eternal, throned in splendorRHUDDLANPage Scan
280Thou God who brought the nations forthCONQUESTPage Scan
281O God of earth and altarROTTERDAMPage Scan
282Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless roundYORKSHIREPage Scan
283Thy kingdom come, O LordST. CECILIAPage Scan
284Thou God of nations, thee we seekMELCOMBEPage Scan
285In Christ there is no East or WestST. PETERPage Scan
286These things shall be: a loftier raceTRUROPage Scan
287O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brotherWELWYNPage Scan
288Son of God, eternal SaviourIN BABILONEPage Scan
289Turn back, O Man, forswear thy foolish waysOLD 124THPage Scan
290Eternal God, whose searching eye doth scanOIKOUMENIKOSPage Scan
291The light of God is fallingTHORNBURYPage Scan
292Rise up, O men of God!FESTAL SONGPage Scan
293Wherever men adore theeGLORIAPage Scan
294Lord of our life, and God of our salvationISTE CONFESSOR (Rouen)Page Scan
295Let there be light, Lord God of HostsJENA (Das neugeborne Kindelein)Page Scan
296Almighty Father, who dost giveBIRLINGPage Scan
297O God, above the drifting yearsFEDERAL STREETPage Scan
298Light of the world, we hail theeSALVE DOMINEPage Scan
299We built a sanctuary sureFOREST GREENPage Scan

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