The A. M. E. Zion Hymnal

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201By thy birth, and by thy tears
202I lay my sins on Jesus
203How sad our state [fate] by nature is
204Stay, thou insulted [long suffering] Spirit
205I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice
206My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
207Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine
208Take my life, and let it be, consecrated
209Come, Savior, Jesus, from above
210O Jesus, I have promised
211Thou my everlasting portion
212Jesus, thou dost not sue in vain
213Master, no offering, costly and sweet
214I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God
215What shall I render to my God
216O my most condescending Lord
217Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
218Let him to whom we now belong
219Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult
220Grace, 'tis a charming [cheering] [joyful] [pleasing] sound
221Salvation, O the joyful sound
222There were ninety and nine that [who] safely lay
223Jesus, keep me near the cross
224Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave
225Come, ye [you] [we] that [who] love the Lord [Christ], And let your [our] joys
226O for a closer walk with God
227Lord, I care not for riches, neither silver nor gold
228I love to tell the story of unseen things above
229Can we in unbelievers find
230Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life
231Praise him, praise him, Jesus, our blessed Redeemer
232O sometimes the shadows are deep
233Lord Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine
234All o'er the world I sought in vain
235I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord
236Pass me not, O gentle Savior
237Behold me standing at the door
238Brightly beams our Father's mercy
239There's a Stranger at the door, let him [the Stranger] in
240We have heard a [the] joyful sound
241Jesus is tenderly calling thee [you] home
242I have a Savior, he's pleading in glory
243Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
244He leadeth me, O blessed thought
245In thy cleft, O rock of ages
246Rescue the perishing, care for the dying
247Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on his gentle breast
248I have found a friend in Jesus
249What a fellowship, what a joy divine
250Hide me, O my Savior, hide me in thy holy place
251My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
252Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow
253Whosoever heareth, shout, shout the sound
254Savior, lead me, lest I stray, gently lead
255Savior, more than life to me, I am clinging
256What a friend we have in Jesus
257My Father is rich in houses and lands
258Soldiers of the cross, arise, lo, your Captain
259When I can read my title clear
260Life's sea oft-times is dark and dreary[Life's sea is oft-times dark and dreary]
261Lord, I hear of [that] [the] showers of blessing
262Religion is the chief concern
263Lord Jesus Christ, my life, my light
264O that my burdened soul
265Thou uncreated Source of love
266Bear the cross, ye sons of men
267Are ye [you] able, said the Master
268Oft in danger [sorrow], oft [and] in woe
269Rise up, O men [man] [youth] of God
270O Master, let me walk with thee [you]
271Take up thy cross, the Savior said, If thou wouldst my disciple be
272My gracious Lord [God], I own thy right
273Jesus, and shall it ever be
274My Savior, on the [thy] word of truth
275Faith of our fathers, living still [faith]
276O love divine, how sweet [good] thou art
277Still with thee, O my God
278O love divine, that [who] stooped [stoop'st] [stoops] to share
279Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me
280Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
281Christian, dost thou see them [him]ST. ANDREW OF CRETE
282Christian! dost thou see themGREEK HYMN
283Work of our founders we extol
284In the hour of trial
285Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
286My soul be on thy [your] guard
287Lord, that I may learn of thee
288O Thou who driest the mourner's tear
289Jesus, Savior, pilot me
290O, for a faith that will not shrink
291The Christian warrior, brave and stout
292God of grace and God of glory
293Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
294Lead on, O King Eternal, The day of march has come
295Soldiers of Christ, arise, and put [gird] your armor
296Messiah, Prince of Peace
297Am I a soldier of the cross
298A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify
299Hark, the voice of Jesus crying Who will go and work today
300O still in accents sweet and strong

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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