African Methodist Episcopal Church Hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401We have heard the joyful soundJESUS SAVESTextPage Scan
402Shackled by a heavy burdenHE TOUCHED ME
403What a wonderful change in my life has been wroughtMCDANIELTextPage Scan
404I've found a Friend who is all to meRAPTURETextPage Scan
405What can wash away my sin?PLAINFIELDTextPage Scan
406There was a time, I knowTHE OLD ACCOUNTTextPage Scan
407Am I a soldier of the crossWHEN THE BATTLE'S OVERTextPage Scan
408Chariot rode on the mountaintopGREAT DAYText
409Ring the bells of heaven! There is joy todayRING THE BELLSTextPage Scan
410Am I a soldier of the crossARLINGTONTextPage Scan
411I would be true, for there are those who trust mePEEKTextPage Scan
412Stand up, stand up for JesusWEBBTextPage Scan
413Yield not to temptationPALMERTextPage Scan
414Onward, Christian soldiers!ST. GERTRUDETextPage Scan
415My faith looks up to TheeOLIVETTextPage Scan
416Where He may lead me I will goWHERE HE MAY LEAD MEPage Scan
417Sing, O ye ransomed of the LordMANOAHTextPage Scan
418Hallelujah to the LambWALKING IN THE LIGHTText
419From every stormy wind that blowsRETREATText
420When the storms of life are ragingSTAND BY METextPage Scan
421Jesus, we look to TheeBOYLSTONTextPage Scan
422Come, every soul by sin oppressedSTOCKTONTextPage Scan
423My Jesus, as Thou wilt!JEWETTPage Scan
424Standing on the promises of Christ my KingPROMISESTextPage Scan
425Sometimes I feel discouragedBALM IN GILEADText
426Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy sideFINLANDIAText
427If the world from you withhold, of its silver and its goldLEAVE IT THERETextPage Scan
428O for a faith that will not shrinkMANOAHTextPage Scan
429Faith of our fathers! living stillST. CATHERINETextPage Scan
430Faith of our mothers, living stillST. CATHERINETextPage Scan
431O sometimes the shadows are deepTHE ROCK OF REFUGETextPage Scan
432Once to every man and nationEBENEZERTextPage Scan
433How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LordFOUNDATIONTextPage Scan
434Each little flower that opensALL THINGS BRIGHTTextPage Scan
435Why should I feel discouragedHIS EYE IS ON THE SPARROWTextPage Scan
436Amid the trials which I meetAMID THE TRIALSTextPage Scan
437Be not dismayed whate'er betideMARTINTextPage Scan
438Is there anyone can help us, one who understands our heartsHE'S THE ONETextPage Scan
439Face to face with Christ, my SaviorFACE TO FACETextPage Scan
440'Tis so sweet to trust in JesusTRUST IN JESUSTextPage Scan
441I've seen the lightning flashingNEVER ALONEText
442Does Jesus care when my heart is painedMY SAVIOR CARESTextPage Scan
443I'm not ashamed to own the LordMANOAHTextPage Scan
444I know my heavenly Father knowsHE KNOWSTextPage Scan
445Life's sea ofttimes is dark and drearyI CANNOT DRIFTTextPage Scan
446I don't know about tomorrowI KNOWText
447When the world seems cold and your friends are fewSOMEONE TO CARE
448When peace, like a river, attendeth my wayVILLE DU HAVRETextPage Scan
449When my soul is singing in that promised land aboveI'LL BE SATISFIEDTextPage Scan
450Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!ASSURANCETextPage Scan
451Nothing between my soul and my SaviorNOTHING BETWEENTextPage Scan
452I come to the garden aloneGARDENTextPage Scan
453I trust in God wherever I may beI TRUST IN GODTextPage Scan
454Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throneONLY BELIEVETextPage Scan
455Love Divine, all loves excellingBEECHERTextPage Scan
456My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine'TIS NOWText
457My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mineGORDONTextPage Scan
458I love, I love Thee, Lord most highMENDONTextPage Scan
459And can it be that I should gainSAGINATextPage Scan
460More love to Thee, O ChristMORE LOVE TO THEETextPage Scan
461I was sinking deep in sinSAFETYTextPage Scan
462Master, the tempest is raging!PEACE, BE STILLTextPage Scan
463How tedious and tasteless the hoursCONTRASTTextPage Scan
464Jesus, the very thought of TheeST. AGNESTextPage Scan
465Everlasting joy shall be upon thy headEVERLASTING JOYText
466One day as I was walkin'SWEET JESUSText
467When waves of affliction sweep over the soulTHINK OF HIS GOODNESSTextPage Scan
468Thou hidden source of calm reposeST. PETERSBURGTextPage Scan
469There is sunshine in my soul todaySUNSHINETextPage Scan
470Servant of God, well done!DOVERTextPage Scan
471Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindnessSHEAVESTextPage Scan
472And must I be to judgment broughtMARTYRDOMTextPage Scan
473O the great joy that I find in His serviceGREAT JOYTextPage Scan
474That awful day will surely comeEVANTextPage Scan
475When on the cross of CalvaryHE WILL REMEMBER METextPage Scan
476For all the saints, who from their labors restSINE NOMINETextPage Scan
477"Forever with the Lord!"ST. THOMASTextPage Scan
478Jerusalem the goldenEWINGTextPage Scan
479On Jordan's stormy banks I standPROMISED LANDTextPage Scan
480O they tell me of a home far beyond the skiesTHE UNCLOUDED DAYTextPage Scan
481Jerusalem, my happy home!MY HAPPY HOMEText
482Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleepREST (BRADBURY)Text
483When I can read my title clearTRUST IN THE LORDText
484You'll hear the sinner moanWHAT A MORNINGText
485Hark, hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSTextPage Scan
486Shall we gather at the riverBEAUTIFUL RIVERTextPage Scan
487If when you give the best of your serviceHE UNDERSTANDSTextPage Scan
488If I walk in the pathway of dutyTHE LAST MILE OF THE WAYTextPage Scan
489My Lord, He calls meSTEAL AWAYTextPage Scan
490One day when heaven was filled with His praisesONE DAYTextPage Scan
491In the land of fadeless dayNO NIGHT THERETextPage Scan
492There's a land that is fairer than daySWEET BY AND BYTextPage Scan
493When Jesus comes to reward His servantsWOODSTOCKTextPage Scan
494Somewhere the sun is shiningBEAUTIFUL ISLETextPage Scan
495Abide with me: fast falls the eventideEVENTIDETextPage Scan
496We're traveling home to heaven aboveWILL YOU GOTextPage Scan
497When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no moreROLL CALLTextPage Scan
498Lo! what a glorious sight appearsCAMBRIDGE NEWTextPage Scan
499Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDTextPage Scan
500Safe in the arms of JesusARMS OF JESUSTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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