The Abingdon Hymnal: a Book of Worship for Youth

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
200Ring out, wild bells, to the wild skyMISSIONARY CHANTPage Scan
201O God, thy world is sweet with pray'rCANONBURYPage Scan
202God speaks to us in bird and songELMHURSTPage Scan
203Thou art, O God, the life and lightST. MATTHIASPage Scan
204Summer suns are glowingRUTHPage Scan
205The summer days are come againLAND OF RESTPage Scan
206Come, ye thankful people, comeST. GEORGE'S WINDSORPage Scan
207We gather together to ask the Lord's blessingKREMSERPage Scan
208Lord, we come before thee nowPLEYEL'S HYMNPage Scan
209We praise thee, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorKREMSERPage Scan
210Praise to God and thanks we bringST. GEORGE'S WINDSORPage Scan
211'Tis winter now: the fallen snowTRUROPage Scan
212All beautiful the march of daysPage Scan
213Great God of nations, now to theeMENDONPage Scan
214All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
215With happy voices singingBERTHOLDPage Scan
216All things bright and beautifulKEATSPage Scan
217Saviour, teach me, day by dayBENEVENTOPage Scan
218All the happy childrenHERMASPage Scan
219Hosanna be the children's songHUMMELPage Scan
220God who created mePRAYERSPage Scan
221The body, Lord, is ours to keepNORWEGIAN FOLK TUNEPage Scan
222I think, when I read that sweet story of oldSWEET STORYPage Scan
223There is beauty all aroundHOMEPage Scan
224O happy home, where thou art loved the dearestALVERSTROKEPage Scan
225God of our fathers, whose almighty handNATIONAL HYMNPage Scan
226O say can you see, by the dawn's early lightSTAR-SPANGLED BANNERPage Scan
227O God of Hosts, with thy strong handHAGERUPPage Scan
228Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LordBATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICPage Scan
229My country, 'tis of theeAMERICAPage Scan
230America, America, The shouts of war shall ceaseALL SAINTS NEWPage Scan
231O Lord, our God, thy mighty handAMERICA BEAUTIFULPage Scan
232O beautiful for spacious skiesMATERNAPage Scan
233O God, beneath thy guiding handDUKE STREETPage Scan
234God bless our native landPage Scan
235God of our fathers, known of oldMEIRIONYDDPage Scan
236Still, still with thee, when purple morning breakethCONSOLATIONPage Scan
237Awake, my soul, and with the sunMORNING HYMNPage Scan
238New ev'ry morning is the loveCANONBURYPage Scan
239At thy feet, our God and FatherST. ASAPHPage Scan
240Holy, holy, holy! Lord God AlmightyNICAEAPage Scan
241Nearer, my God, to theeBETHANYPage Scan
242My God, I thank thee, who hast madeWENTWORTHPage Scan
243Praise God, from whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
244The God of Abraham praiseLEONIPage Scan
245Sweet hymns and songs will I reciteOMNOM KENPage Scan
246Praise, my soul, the King of heavenREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
247Come, thou almighty KingITALIAN HYMNPage Scan
248Now let ev'ry tongue adore theeWACHET AUF!Page Scan
249Angel voices, ever singingANGEL VOICESPage Scan
250Ancient of Days, who sittest thron'd in gloryANCIENT OF DAYSPage Scan
251Let the whole creation cryROLANDPage Scan
252Lord, thy glory fills the heavenCARLTONPage Scan
253O worship the King, all glorious aboveLYONSPage Scan
254Guide me, O thou great JehovahZIONPage Scan
255All nature's works his praise declareELLACOMBEPage Scan
256Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloomLUX BENIGNAPage Scan
257Abide with me! Fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
258Glory to thee, my God, this nightTALLIS' EVENING HYMNPage Scan
259Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
260The shadows of the evening hoursST. LEONARDPage Scan
261The day is past, the shadows round are fallingDIADEMAPage Scan
262Now the day is overMERRIALPage Scan
263Saviour, when night involves the skiesHOLLEYPage Scan
264God, that madest earth and heavenAR HYD Y NOSPage Scan
265Day is dying in the westCHAUTAUQUAPage Scan
266At even ere the sun was setABENDSPage Scan
267Softly now the light of daySEYMOURPage Scan
268O God Creator, in whose handAIRMAN'S HYMNPage Scan
269O thou who workest hithertoHOLLEYPage Scan
270Saviour, again to thy dear name we raiseBENEDICTIONPage Scan
271May the grace of Christ our SaviourSARDISPage Scan
272The Lord bless you and keep youCHORAL BENEDICTIONPage Scan
273Father, give thy benedictionEVENING PRAYERPage Scan
274Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peaceNUNC DIMITTISPage Scan
275O brightness of th'immortal Father's faceST. NICHOLASPage Scan
276Creator Spirit, by whose aidST. CATHERINEPage Scan
277Come Holy Ghost, in loveBETHELPage Scan
278Jesus, the very thought of theeSAWLEYPage Scan
279That day of wrath, that dreadful dayIRAEPage Scan
280Near the cross was Mary weepingSTABAT MATERPage Scan
281A mighty fortress is our GodEIN' FESTE BURGPage Scan
282Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETPage Scan
283Flung to the heedless windsIBSTONEPage Scan
284As pants the hart for cooling springsSIMPSONPage Scan
285O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNEPage Scan
286Lord of all being, thron'd afarKEBLEPage Scan
287Come, O thou Traveler unknownPENIELPage Scan
288O God of God! O Light of Light!LIDDONPage Scan
289Ten thousand times ten thousandALFORDPage Scan
290O mother dear, JerusalemMATERNAPage Scan
291Jerusalem, the goldenEWINGPage Scan
292Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swellingPILGRIMSPage Scan
293For all the saints, who from their labors restSARUMPage Scan
294O Lord of heaven and earth and seaALMSGIVINGPage Scan
295We give thee but thine ownSWABIAPage Scan
296Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heartLET THE WORDS OF MY MOUTHPage Scan
297Hear our prayer, O Lord[Hear our prayer, O Lord]Page Scan
298All things come of thee, O Lord: and of thine own have we given thee[All things come of thee, O Lord: and of thine own have we given thee]Page Scan
299Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Hosts[Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of Hosts]Page Scan

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