929. Ave Verum

Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virgine:
Vere passum immolatum in cruce pro homine:
Cuius latus perforatum fluxit aqua et sanguine:
Esto nobis praegustatum mortis in examine.
O Jesu dulcis!
O Jesu pie!
O Jesu fili Mariae.


Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary,
the very Body which suffered and was sacrificed
on the cross for humankind,
and whose pierced side overflowed with water and blood:
In the agony of death be for us a foretaste of heaven,
O kind and loving Jesus, son of Mary.

Text Information
First Line: Ave verum
Title: Ave Verum
Author (attributed to): Innocent VI, d. 1362
Meter: Irregular
Language: Latin
Publication Date: 2011
Topic: Eucharist
Tune Information
Arranger: Ronald F. Krisman, b. 1946
Meter: Irregular
Key: c minor
Source: Mode VI
Copyright: Acc. © 2011, GIA Publications, Inc.

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