1 The beautiful streams in that wonderful land,
Go gliding along o’er the silvery sand;
And all who partake of the waters so sweet,
Find wonderful healing and rapture complete.
Oh, wonderful land,
Oh, beautiful strand,
Oh, heavenly gleams,
Oh, silvery streams;
Oh, mountains sublime,
Oh, music divine,
Through Jesus, my Savior
That home will be mine.
2 The evergreen hills in that wonderful land,
Through ages eternal in beauty will stand;
And all who abide in the home of the blest,
Upon those fair mountains find infinite rest. [Refrain]
3 Oh, sweet are the songs in that wonderful land,
And joyous the shouts from the glorified band;
The saints and the angels join in the refrain,
“All glory to Jesus, again and again.” [Refrain]