1 They walked and talked with Jesus,
And knew not it was he
Who gave his life a ransom
To set the captive free.
His words of holy power,
His look of matchless grace,
Seemed more than those of mortal,
And charmed their wondering gaze.
Oh, to thus commune with thee!—
All the journey, living, dying—
Oh, to walk and talk with thee!
‘Tis heaven begun below.
2 And then unveiled before them,
The Savior stood revealed;
The blessed risen Jesus
No longer was concealed,
Oh, wondrous revelation!
The God and man combined!
The great I AM—Almighty—
In human form enshrined! [Refrain]
3 And with his dear disciples,
He walks and talks today,
“Lo! I am with you alway,”
We hear him gently say.
Oh, blissful hour when Jesus
Unveils his glorious face,
And shows his saving power,
And his amazing grace. [Refrain]