20. Get Right With God

1 “Right with God”—O blessed portals
Of the many mansions fair!
Can it be that sin-stained mortals
Here and now that bliss may share?

Brother, look! a cleansing fountain!
If the desert you have trod,
Turn your face to Calv’ry’s mountain!
Lift your heart! Get right with God!

2 Hark, a Voice divine proclaiming
Life immortal as a choice!
It is you that He is naming;
Hear the message of the Voice! [Refrain]

3 God so loved the world astraying,
That His only Son He gave;
Whosoever seeks Him, praying,
Everlasting life may have. [Refrain]

4 Humbly, then, the throne addressing,
That your sins may pardoned by,
Breathe the pray’r that brings the blessing:
“God be merciful to me.” [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: "Right with God"—O blessed portals
Title: Get Right With God
Author: C. S. B.
Refrain First Line: Brother, look! a cleansing fountain!
Publication Date: 1917


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