Text: | The Lord my faithful Shepherd is |
Author: | C. Becker |
Translator: | C. Doving |
1 The Lord my faithful Shepherd is,
And me He safely guideth;
I shall not want, for I am His,
Who all things good provideth:
I follow Him, I hear His voice,
In Him, my Lord, I do rejoice:
Blest am I in His keeping.
2 A tender shepherd leads his sheep,
Where pastures green are growing,
And there his flock doth guard and keep,
Beside still waters flowing.
Thus Christ, my Shepherd, leadeth me,
My soul and body feedeth He,
And for their wants provideth.
3 And if I ever go astray,
My wayward soul He turneth,
To save the lost, to guide the way,
For this He ever yearneth;
He leadeth me my soul to bless
In His own path of righteousness,
For His name's sake and glory.
4 Why should I ever fear, O Lord,
Whilst Thee I have beside me?
Thou by Thy Spirit and Thy word
Dost comfort and dost guide me;
In death's dark vale I fear no ill,
For Thou, O Lord, art with me still,
Thy rod and staff shall stay me.
5 Thou art my Host; for me Thy guest,
A table Thou providest:
Though foes be near, I am at rest;
Thou still with me abidest.
With oil anointest Thou my head;
On me Thy blessing rich is shed,
My cup with bliss o'erfloweth.
6 Thy goodness and Thy mercy, Lord,
Shall follow me, attending
The days Thou dost to me afford,
Until they reach their ending:
Thereafter shall I in Thy love
Dwell in Thy house in heaven above
Forever and forever.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The Lord my faithful Shepherd is |
Translator: | C. Doving |
Author: | C. Becker |
Publication Date: | 1918 |
Topic: | Faith in Jesus |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Translated from "Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt" Tune: ES IST GEWISSLICH AN DER ZEIT |