1 Put me not to rebuke, O Lord,
in thy provoked ire:
Ne in thy heavy wrath O Lord,
correct me I desire.
2 Thine arrowes do stick fast in me
thy hand doth presse me sore:
And in my flesh no health at all
appeareth any more.
3 And all this is by reason of
thy wrath that I am in:
Not any rest is in my bones,
by reason of my sin.
4 For lo, my wicked doings (Lord)
above my head are gone;
A greater load than I can beare,
they lie me sore upon.
5 My wounds stink and are festred so,
and loathsome is to see:
Which all through mine own foolishness
betideth unto me.
6 And I in carefull wise am brought
in trouble and distresse:
That I go wailing all the day
in dolefull heavinesse.
7 My loynes are filled with sore disease,
my flesh hath no whole part
8 I feeble am, and broken sore,
I roare for griefe of heart.
9 Thou know'st (Lord) my desire, my groans
are open in thy sight.
10 My heart doth pant, my strength doth faile,
mine eyes have lost their light.
11 My lovers and my wonted friends
stand looking on my wo:
And eke my kinsmen farre away
are me departed fro.
12 They that did seek my life laid snares,
and they that sought the way
To do me hurt, speak lies and thought
on mischiefe all the day.
The second Part:
13 But as a deafe man I became,
that cannot heare at all:
14 And as one dumbe, that opens not
his mouth to speak withall.
15 For all my confidence O Lord,
I wholly set on thee:
O Lord thou Lord thou art my God,
do thou give eare to me.
16 This do I crave, that they my foes
triumph not over me:
For when my foot doth slip, then they
did joy my fall to see.
17 And truly I poore wretch am set,
in place, a wofull wight:
And eke my grievous heavinesse
is ever in my sight.
18 For while that I my wickednesse
in humble wise confesse:
And while I for my sinfull deeds.
my sorrowes do expresse.
19 My foes do still remaine alive,
and mighty are also:
And they that hate me wrongfully,
in number jigely grow.
20 They stand against me that my good
with evil do repay:
Because that good and honest things
I do ensue alway.
21 Forsake me not, O Lord my God,
be thou not farre away:
22 Hast met to help, my Lord, my God,
my safety and my stay.