Text: | Beati quorum |
Author: | T. S. |
1 The man is blest whose wickednesse
the Lord hath cleane remitted:
And he whose sin and wickednesse
is hid and also covered.
2 And blest is he to whom the Lord
imputeth not his sin:
Which in his heart hath hid no guile,
nor fraud is found therein.
3 For whilst that I kept close my sin
in silence and constraint:
My bones did weare and waste away
with daily mome and plaint.
4 For night and day thy hand on me
so grievous was and smart,
That all my bloud and humours moist
to drinesse did convert.
5 I did therefore confesse my faults,
and all my sins discover,
Then thou, O Lord, didst me forgive,
and all my sinnes passe over.
6 The humble man shall pray therefore,
and seek thee in due time,
So that the flouds of waters great
shall have no power on him.
7 When trouble and adversity
do compasse me about:
Thou art my refuge and my joy,
and thou didst rid me out.
8 Come hither and I will thee teach
how thou shalt walk aright:
I will thee guide as I my self
have learn'd by proofe and sight.
9 Be not so rude and ignorant,
as is the horse and mule:
Whose mouth without a reine or bit
from harm thou canst not rule.
10 The wicked man shall manifold
sorrowes and griefs sustaine:
But unto him that trusts in God
his goodnesse shall remaine.
11 Be merry therefore in the Lord,
ye just lift up your voice:
And ye of pure and perfect heart,
be glad and eke rejoyce.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The man is blest whose wickednesse |
Title: | Beati quorum |
Author: | T. S. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1640 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Sing to Psalm 30 |