1 Jesus came to seek His lost ones—
That means me! That means me!
Came to die upon the tree,
Came with grace so full and free,
Came the sinner’s Friend to be—
That means me!
That means me! That means me!
Jesus came to seek His lost ones—
That means me.
2 Jesus died to save the guilty—
That means me! That means me!
Died that all in Him might live,
Died for all His life to give,
Died all sinners to forgive—
That means me!
That means me! That means me!
Jesus died to save the guilty—
That means me.
3 Jesus now invites the wand’rer—
That means me! That means me!
Life and joy He gives to all
Who upon His name will call,
Free salvation, free for all—
That means me!
That means me! That means me!
Jesus now invites the wand’rer—
That means me.