47. Great is the Lord! what tongue can frame

1 Great is the Lord! what tongue can frame
An honor equal to his name!
How awful are his glorious ways!
The Lord is dreadful in his praise.

2 The world's foundations by his hand
Were laid, and shall forever stand;
The swelling billows know their bound,
While to his praise they roll around.

3 Vast are thy works, Almighty Lord
All nature rests upon thy word;
And clouds, and storms, and fire obey
Thy wise and all-controlling sway.

4 Thy glory, fearless of decline,
Thy glory, Lord, shall ever shine;
Thy praise shall still our breath employ,
Till we shall rise to endless joy.

Text Information
First Line: Great is the Lord! what tongue can frame
Author: Watts
Meter: L. M.
Publication Date: 1873
Scripture: ;
Topic: Attributes of God: Independency; Greatness of God
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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