1 The voice of free grace cries,--Escape to the mountain!
For Adam's lost race Christ hath opened a fountain;
For sin and uncleanness, and every transgression,
His blood flows most freely in streams of salvation.
Hallelujah to the Lamb, who hath purchased our pardon;
We'll praise him again when we pass over Jordan.
2 Ye souls that are wounded! oh, flee to the Saviour;
He calls you in mercy,--'tis infinite favor;
Your sins are increasing,--escape to the mountain;
His blood can remove them, it flows from the fountain.
Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c.
3 O Jesus, ride onward, triumphantly glorious,
O'er sin, death, and hell thou art more than victorious;
Thy name is the theme of the great congregation,
While angels and men raise the shout of salvation.
Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c.
4 With joy shall we stand, when escaped to the shore;
With harps in our hands, we will praise him the more;
We'll range the sweet plains on the bank of the river,
And sing of salvation for ever and ever!
Hallelujah to the Lamb, &c.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The voice of free grace cries,--Escape to the mountain! |
Author: | Thornby |
Refrain First Line: | Hallelujah to the Lamb, who hath purchased our pardon |
Meter: | 12s |
Publication Date: | 1873 |
Scripture: | ; ; ; ; ; ; |
Topic: | Spiritual Songs; Passing over Jordan |
Notes: | Public Domain. |