Rejoice, for summer time is here.
The fairest season of the year,
With Nature let us gladly sing
The praises of our Saviour King!
Be glad with happy birds and flowers,
Be glad through all the summer hours,
With Nature let us gladly sing
The praises of our Saviour King,
With Nature let us gladly sing
The praises of our Saviour King.
1 O many a blossom sweet and fair
Is whisp’ring to the summer air;
For they a gladsome message bring,
A message of the Saviour King.
Oh, why should any heart be sad,
When skies and birds and flow’rs are glad?
For with them we may join to sing
The praises of our Saviour King.
For with them we may join to sing
The praises of our Saviour King. [Refrain]