1 Tempests wild may sweep about you, making dim the spirit’s goal,
And around you angry waves may rise and swell;
Enemies may overtake you and assail your weary soul,
But, if Jesus’ love is with you, all is well.
For if Jesus’ love is with you, all is well;
Calmly in the midst of trials you may dwell;
There is naught to cause alarm,
Safe your soul from every harm.
For, if Jesus’ love is with you, all is well.
2 Trusted friends may wander from you, loved ones coldly turn away,
Leaving none to whom your troubles you may tell,
Nights may all seem long and dreary, clouds may hide the sun each day,
Yet, if Jesus’ love is with you, all is well. [Refrain]
3 Poverty with you may linger, and the tempter may attend,
And with jeers and sneers the world your plea repel;
But if you are ever faithful you shall triumph in the end,
For, if Jesus’ love is with you, all is well. [Refrain]