1 “All the world for Jesus,” let the watchword ring;
“All the world for Jesus,” let the children sing;
Send the gospel tidings far across the sea,
Till all nations know him, and from sin are free.
Every voice can do its share, every hand can work;
Every heart can give a pray’r, not a soul need shrink;
“All the world for Jesus,” this our song shall be,
“All the world for Jesus Christ, who lived and died for me.”
2 “All the world for Jesus,” this shall be our song;
“All the world for Jesus,” what a tribute strong!
Spread the Savior’s message over all the world,
Spread the gospel banner, everywhere unfurled. [Refrain]
3 “All the world for Jesus,” every voice shall sing,
“All the world for Jesus,” universal King;
What a day of gladness that will truly be,
When our whole creation at his throne we see. [Refrain]