663. Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name

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1. Savior, again to thy dear name we raise
with one accord our parting hymn of praise;
guard thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame,
that in this house have called upon thy name.

2. Grant us thy peace upon our homeward way;
with thee began, with thee shall end the day.
From harm and danger keep thy children free,
for dark and light are both alike to thee.

3. Grant us thy peace throughout our earthly life;
peace to thy church from error and from strife;
peace to our land, the fruit of truth and love;
peace in each heart, thy Spirit from above;

4. Thy peace in life, the balm of every pain;
thy peace in death, the hope to rise again;
then, when thy voice shall bid our conflict cease,
call us, O Lord, to thine eternal peace.

Text Information
First Line: Savior, again to thy dear name we raise
Title: Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name
Author: John Ellerton (1866; alt.)
Meter: 10 10.10 10
Language: English
Publication Date: 1989
Topic: Particular Times of Worship: Closing of Worship; Calmness and Serenity; Closing Hymns (3 more...)
Tune Information
Composer: Edward J. Hopkins (1869)
Meter: 10 10.10 10
Key: A♭ Major

Audio recording: Piano Harmony (auto-generated)
More media are available on the text authority and tune authority pages.

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