98. Rally to the Standard

1 Let us rally to the standard which the Lord has giv’n,
Let us rally with delight,
While we battle for the right;
We will never cease the conflict,
Till the vict’ry’s won,—
But we’ll rally to our Leader
And be true each one.

Marching with Christ for our Leader, and His word for our guide,
We will neither fail nor falter tho’ we be tried;
For He is faithful who’s promised to protect with His might,
Those who love and truly serve by day and night.

2 Life is full of bitter conflicts to the soldier true,
Yes, we find them ev’ry day,
Scattered all along our way,
But our Captain goes before us,
And will safely lead,—
He will ever bless and cheer us
In our time of need. [Refrain]

3 Faithful to our brave Commander we should ever be,
For He’ll lead us safely thro’
If we’re soldiers brave and true,
And the hosts of sin we’ll banish
From our own dear land,—
By the wisdom and the valor
Of our trusted band. [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Let us rally to the standard which the Lord has giv'n
Title: Rally to the Standard
Author: Nellie Dungan
Refrain First Line: Marching with Christ for our Leader, and His word for our guide
Publication Date: 1896


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