1 Scatter germs of the Beautiful!
By the wayside let them fall,
That the Rose may bloom at the cottage gate
Like the Lily in palace hall;
Sow in the lanes and the strange by-path
Many seeds of heav’nly grace,
That the joyless and weary may be cheered
At each rough and rugged place.
2 Scatter germs of the Beautiful!
At the sacred shrine of home,
Let the pure, the true and the holy things
There in sweetest attraction bloom;
Leave not a trace of unpleasantness
In the temple of the heart,
For adorning each life with Christian love,
Will to others joy impart.
3 Scatter germs of the Beautiful!
In the depths of the human soul,
Where each bud and blossom may bear good fruit,
While the unending ages roll;
Scatter the flowers of Christian hope
‘Round the portals of the home,
There to sparkle and glow until at last,
They in Paradise shall bloom.