1 I have bathed in the fount for the cleansing of sin,
Glory, glory Jesus saves;
I have found sweet relief and a joy within,
Glory, glory Jesus saves;
Oh, that wonderful fountain of mercy free,
Flowing so sweetly from Calvary,
Now the soul cleansing pow’r reaches even me,
Glory, glory Jesus saves.
2 I am fully redeem’d by the blood of the lamb,
Glory, glory Jesus saves;
I will witness for Jesus wherever I am;
Glory, glory Jesus saves;
By His wonderful grace and His pow’r divine,
Jesus has changed this poor heart of mine,
Now with joy I can say I am wholly Thine,
Glory, glory Jesus saves.
3 At the cross of my Savior I first found the light,
Glory, glory Jesus saves;
I was blind but ‘twas there I received my sight;
Glory, glory Jesus saves;
I rejoice that by faith I in Him abide,
Jesus, my Lord, the once crucified,
With His peace in my soul I am satisfied,
Glory, glory Jesus saves.