1 I have toiled all night and for many a day;
They say there are fish in the sea,
Yet I’ve caught nothing, my labor is vain,
There cometh no increase to me.
I will wash out my net, I will hang it away,
And my fishing boat draw to the shore,
It is useless to me, I will cast out my net
In these barren sea-waters no more.
2 And he bent o’er the labor of washing his net,
While Jesus walked down to the sea,
And entered the ship at the mooring and said,
“Thrust the boat out a little for me.
Launch out into the deep, and let down the net,”
And the fisherman answer’d, “In vain
We have labored all night, and yet at thy word
I will cast in my net once again.”
3 And how it was done the Lord only knows,
But the net was so filled that it brake;
For they launched out the ship and they cast in the net,
At the Master’s word, just for his sake.
And so, tho’ thy labor is vain until now,
Lo, Jesus is saying to thee:
“Launch out into the deep now and cast in the net,
There are fish in the depths of the sea.”