1 Jesus, thou my Savior art,
Thou hast ever loved me so;
Let me never from thee part,
While abiding here below.
Thou didst look on men in sin,
And in thy compassion great,
Mad’st a plan their souls to win,
And exalt to heav’nly state.
2 Thou to me art all I need,
For my sins thou didst atone,
That I might be whole indeed;
Thou hast sealed me for thine own.
In thy power, Lord, I find
Healing balm for ev’ry pain;
With thy love my spirit bind,
Like a strong and mighty chain.
3 Thor’ thy love so great to me,
I no longer am my own;
All I have, dear Lord, shall be
Thine forever and alone.
Let me in thy presence hide.
Never from thy side to roam;
Keep me wholly sanctified,
In the church of God, my home.