1 From the snares that pleasures hide,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Dangers rife, their ways betide,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
This the cry heard ev’rywhere,
This the mother’s earnest pray’r,
Help the boys while pure and fair,—
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
From the Tempter’s hidden snares,
Save for Christ His Church and Home,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
2 Men of valor, pledg’d for right,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Help the boys to win their fight,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
As you would not fight in vain,
As you love your fam’ly name,
Keep your boys from sin and shame:—
Save the boys!
Save the boys! [Chorus]
3 Church of Christ, your arms extend,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
And the “coming men” defend;
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Set your portals open wide,
Gather all your boys inside,
With no good to them denied;—
Save the boys!
Save the boys! [Chorus]
4 Christ and church, with home unite,
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Gloom dispel and spread the light;
Save the boys!
Save the boys!
Reaching forth a friendly hand,
Solid phalanx may these stand,
Driving evil from our land;—
Save the boys!
Save the boys! [Chorus]