1 We are soldiers of the King,
We’ll battle for the right,
Valiant hosts will a vict’ry bring,
O’er Satan’s angry might;
Let us falter not nor yield,
For right shall conquer wrong,
We’ll never desert the battle-field
Till sounds the victor-song.
O we’re soldiers of the King,
We are battling for the right,
Valiant hosts will a glorious vict’ry bring
Over Satan’s angry might.
Tho’ the tempter his darts may send,
Let us firm and loyal be;
If on Jesus our Captain we depend,
We shall more than conqu’rorsbe!
2 Let us bravely the tempter meet,
And trust our King on high,
O we ne’er shall know defeat,
If we on him rely;
He will give us strength anew,
He’ll gird us for the strife;
O let us be soldiers brave and true,
Throughout the march of life! [Refrain]