P.XXI. To my complaint, O Lord my God

1 To my complaint, O Lord my God,
Thy gracious ear incline;
Hear me, distress'd and destitute
Of all relief but thine.

2 Do thou, O God, preserve my soul,
that does thy Name adore;
Thy servant keep, and him, whose trust
Relies on thee, restore.

3 To me, who daily thee invoke,
Thy Mercy, Lord, extend;
Refresh thy servant's soul, whose hopes
On thee alone depend.

4 Thou, Lord, art good, nor only good,
But prompt to pardon too;
Of plenteous mercy to all those
Who for thy mercy sue.

5 Therefore, their great Creator, thee,
The nations shall adore;
Their long-misguided pray'rs and praise
To thy bless'd name restore.

6 All shall confess thee great, and great
The wonders thou hast done;
Confess thee God, thee God supreme,
Confess thee God alone.

Text Information
First Line: To my complaint, O Lord my God
Language: English
Publication Date: 1792
Scripture: ;
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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