1 No tears can wash my sins away,
I’m saved by grace alone;
No deeds of love my debt can pay,
I’m saved by grace alone.
Out from the depths of sin I cried
Unto the Lord once crucified,
He gently drew me to his side,
I’m saved by grace alone.
2 I looked to him in sorrow’s night,
I’m saved by grace alone;
He led me to the perfect light,
I’m saved by grace alone.
O long from him my footsteps strayed,
His holy will I disobeyed,
But now on him my guilt I’ve laid,
I’m saved by grace alone.
3 When life is o’er I’ll joyful sing,
I’m saved by grace alone;
While songs of rapture round me ring,
I’m saved by grace alone.
Enthroned in glory I shall see
The blessed Lord who died for me,
And know thro’ all eternity,
I’m saved by grace alone.