1 Savior, lead us to thy cross,
There to see the world as dross,
There to count all else but loss,
Lead us to thee, Lead us to thee;
Lead us to thy empty tomb,
There to look beyond the gloom,
To the land thy beams illume,
Lead us to thee, Lead us to thee.
2 By thy Spirit’s inward voice,
Govern and direct our choice,
May we in thy steps rejoice,
Lead us to thee, Lead us to thee;
Thro’ the sunshine clear and bright,
Thro’ the still and starry night,
Onward to the home of light!
Lead us to thee, Lead us to thee.
3 Lead in paths by love ordained,
Till the shining heights are gained,
Likeness to our King obtained,
Lead us to thee, Lead us to thee;
Thou hast joys for us to share,
In the mansions pure and fair,
Thou, the crowning glory there,
Lead us to thee, Lead us to thee.