1 Jerusalem, thou city fair and high,
Would God I were in thee!
My longing heart fain, fain to thee would fly!
It will not stay with me;
Far over vale and mountain,
Far over field and plain,
It hastes to seek its Fountain
And quit this world of pain.
2 O happy day, and yet far happier hour.
When wilt thou come at last?
When fearless to my Father's love and power,
Whose promise standeth fast,
My soul I gladly render,
For surely will His hand
Lead me with guidance tender
To heaven, my fatherland.
3 O Zion, hail! bright city, now unfold
The gates of grace to me;
How many a time I longed for thee of old,
Ere yet I was set free
From yon dark life of sadness
Yon world of shadowy naught.
And God had given the gladness,
The heritage I sought.
4 Unnumbered choirs before the shining throne
Their joyful anthems raise,
And th' heavenly halls re-echo with the tone
Of that great hymn of praise,
And all its host rejoices,
And all its blessed throng
Unite their myriad voices
In one eternal song.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jerusalem, thou city fair and high |
Title: | Jerusalem, thou city fair and high |
Publication Date: | 1909 |
Topic: | The Christian Graces; Hope: Heavenly Glory |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. Author from index: Meyfart |