1 The LORD, how glorious is his face
How kind his smiles appear!
And O! what melting words he says,
To ev'ry humble ear!
2 "For you, the children of my love,
"It was for you I dy'd;
"Behold my bleeding hands and feet,
"And look into my side."
3 These are the wounds for you I bore,
The tokens of my pains,
When I came dow to free your souls,
From misery and chains.
4 When hell and all its spiteful pow'rs,
Stood dreadful in the way;
To rescue those dear lives of yours,
I gave my own away.
5 But while I bled, and groan'd, and dy'd,
I ruin'd satan's throne;
High on the cross I hung and spy'd,
The monster tumbling down.
6 Victorious GOD! what can we pay,
For favours so divine?
Here, LORD, we give our souls away,
To be for ever thine.
Text Information | |
First Line: | The Lord, how glorious is his face |
Meter: | Common Metre |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1790 |
Topic: | Lord's Supper |
Source: | The Coll. |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |