1 That there is not a God, the fool
doth in his heart conclude:
They are corrupt, their works are vile,
not one of them doth good.
2 The Lord upon the sons of men
from heav’n did cast his eyes,
To see if any one there was
that sought God, and was wise.
3 They altogether filthy are,
they all are backward gone;
And there is none that doeth good,
no, not so much as one.
4 These workers of iniquity,
do they not know at all,
That they my people eat as bread,
and on God do not call?
5 Ev’n there they were afraid, and stood
with trembling, all dismay’d,
Whereas there was no cause at all
why they should be afraid:
For God his bones that thee besieg’d
hath scatter’d all abroad;
Thou hast confounded them, for they
despised are of God.
6 Let Isr’el’s help from Sion come:
when back the Lord shall bring
His captives, Jacob shall rejoice,
and Israel shall sing.
Text Information | |
First Line: | That there is not a God, the fool |
Title: | Psalm 53: That there is not a God, the fool |
Meter: | 8,6,8,6 |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1800 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |