105 Thy word is to my feet a lamp,
and to my path a light.
106 I sworn have, and I will perform,
to keep thy judgments right.
107 I am with sore affliction
ev’n overwhelm’d, O Lord:
In mercy raise and quicken me,
according to thy word.
108 The free-will-off ‘rings of my mouth
accept, I thee beseech:
And unto me thy servant, Lord,
thy judgments clearly teach.
109 Though still my soul be in my hand,
thy laws I’ll not forget.
110 I err’d not from them, though for me
the wicked snares did set.
111 I of thy testimonies have
above all things made choice,
To be my heritage for aye;
for they my heart rejoice.
112 I carefully inclined have
my heart still to attend;
That I thy statutes may perform
alway unto the end.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Thy word is to my feet a lamp |
Title: | Psalm 119, Part 14: Thy word is to my feet a lamp |
Meter: | 8,6,8,6 |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1800 |
Scripture: | |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |