1 I love the mercy seat,
’Tis there I meet my Lord;
’Tis there his smiling face I greet,
And there I hear his word;
Ah, ’tis there I come for rest,
When by care and toil oppressed,
And I lean on Jesus’ breast,
There, just there!
2 I love the mercy seat,
’Twas there he set me free,
When tremblingly I sought his feet,
In my extremity;
Foul with unforgiven sin,
To his side he drew me in,
Touched, and said to me, “be clean!”
There, just there!
3 I love he mercy seat,
For over it I see
One countenance serene and sweet
Turned evermore to me;
’Tis my Father reconciled,
And he owns me for his child,
His, in Christ, the undefiled,
There, just there!