XVIII | A Selection of Hymns, from Various Authors, Supplementary for the Use of Christians. 1st ed.#XIX | XX |
1 By faith I live, by faith I see,
That Jesus gave his life for me;
By faith I venture on his grace,
And through his blood my sines efface.
2 Yet faith alone will not suffice,
To bring me to that Paradise;
That heaven, where holy angels dwell,
And souls redeem'd from death and hell.
3 Our works on earth are works of love,
Which frame our minds for things above,
And if we would on Christ depend,
His blessed voice we should attend.
4 To blend the two in one we see,
How faith and works do sweet agree;
And through their influence we shall find,
A God most gracious, good and kind.
5 Them let us learn to watch and pray,
And strive to walk the narrow way;
And if we would true pleasure find,
Our sins must all be left behind.
6 Thus when we leave this world of woe,
A witness we shall leave below;
That ages yet unborn may see,
The right we have to liberty.
Text Information | |
First Line: | By faith I live, by faith I see |
Meter: | P. M. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1816 |
Notes: | Public Domain. |