1 There’s a Friend who walks beside me ev’ry day,
Ever near, very dear,
And I know that He’ll go with me all the way,
He is Jesus Christ, my Saviour.
He is walking with me ev’ry day,
He’s a Guide that will not let me stray,
With my Saviour at my side, all is well wahte’er betide,
He is walking with me ev’ry day.
2 Thro’ the days of weary toil when heart doth fail,
He doth care how I fare;
How His words of cheer becalm the wildest gale,
Such a Friend is Christ, my Saviour. [Refrain]
3 When the day is dim so that I can not see,
I confide, He doth guide;
From the fills that would befall me I am free,
For my Saviour walks beside me. [Refrain]