1 Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep,
Thou thy flock dost feed and keep;
Sweetest pasture dost prepare,
Watchest them with tender care.
2 Thee the sheep profess and own,
Thee they love, and thee alone;
Thee they follow in the way;
Strangers will they not obey.
3 Thou dost call them by their names;
In thy bosom bear’st the lambs;
They protection seek, and rest,
In their Shepherd’s loving breast.
4 Lord, thy wandering sheep behold;
Bring them back into thy fold;
On thy shoulders bear them home;
Suffer them no more to roam.
5 Lead them into pastures green,
Where thy lovely face is seen;
Make them to those fountains go,
Where the living waters flow.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep |
Meter: | 7s. |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1844 |
Scripture: |