Text: | Millennium |
1 That glorious day is drawing nigh,
When Zion's light shall come;
She shall arise and shine on high,
Bright as the morning sun.
2 The north and south their sons resign,
And earth's foundation bend;
A bride adorn'd Jerusalem
All glorious shall descend.
3 The King who wears the glorious crown,
The azure flaming bow,
The holy city shall bring down
To bless the church below.
4 When Zion's bleeding conqu'ring King
Shall sin and death destroy,
The morning stars together sing,
And Zion shout for joy.
5 The holy, bright angelic band,
Who sing on harps of gold,
Hard by the throne in order stand,
When gentler numbers roll.
6 Descending in seraphic strains,
Jehovah they adore;
Such shouts through earth's extensive plains
Were never heard before.
7 Let Satan rage and boast no more,
Nor think his reigning long;
Though saints are feeble, weak and poor,
Their great Redeemer's strong.
8 In storms he is our hiding place,
A covert from the wind;
A shady Rock and flowing Stream
Through all the weary land.
9 The crystal stream runs down from heav'n
It issues from the throne;
The floods of strife away are driv'n
The church becomes but one.
10 This peaceful union she shall know,
And live upon his love;
And shout and sing his name below,
As angels do above.
11 A thousand years shall roll around,
The church shall be complete;
Call'd by the trumpet's glorious sound,
Her Saviour for to meet.
12 She'll mount from earth and soar on high,
She'll fly to Jesus' arms;
To gaze with rapture and delight,
On her Beloved's charms.
13 Like apples fair his beauties are
To feed and cheer the mind;
No earthly fruit can so recruit,
Nor flagons full of wine.
14 Their troubles o'er, she'll grieve no more,
But sing in strains of joy;
In raptures sweet and bliss complete
She'll feast, and never cloy.
Text Information | |
First Line: | That glorious day is drawing nigh |
Title: | Millennium |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1790 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |