Text: | Parting Hymn |
1 Why stay we here, so loth to part?
Tell me, O Christian, has thy heart
Been warm'd with pure devotion's flame,
And fill'd with love to Jesus' name?
2 If so, 'tis good to wait a while,
And weep to see our Saviour smile;
'Tis heav'n on earth to feel his grace,
And heav'n above, to see his face.
3 Blest moments these, then ev'ry tongue
Is loos'd, to chant the grateful song, –
"To Him who shed his blood for me,
"And set the groaning pri'sner free:
4 "To Him who foil'd the spoiler's pow'rs,
"Ascended to his God and our's;
"Who sits enthron'd where seraphs glow,
"And teach their strains to saints below:
5 "To Him who hears the humblest pray'r,
"And wafts it to his Father's ear:
"To Him who sent the promis'd Dove,
"To guide us safe to realms above."
6 What though we part, to meet no more
On this side Canaan's peaceful shore;
Yet, while we tarry let us pray,
And follow Jesus in the way.
Text Information | |
First Line: | Why stay we here, so loth to part? |
Title: | Parting Hymn |
Language: | English |
Publication Date: | 1790 |
Notes: | Now Public Domain. |