1 How restless the soul of the wand’rer from Jesus!
No spot in this wide world can comfort afford;
Unconscious he drifts on the waves of his folly
Still farther and farther away from his Lord;
Yet still there are moments of fond recollection,
When bright scenes of childhood come fresh to his view,
And chords of “Sweet Home,” that have long been reposing,
By fingers unseen are awakened anew.
2 His soul in sad exile now longs for the homestead,
And deepening convictions are tossing his breast;
He hears as in childhood, those sweet words of Jesus,
“Come, all ye that labor, and I’ll give you rest;”
He listens! the Spirit repeats the sweet message,
And turning from folly, no longer to roam,
He ventures in weakness, but strength is imparted,
And gladly he’s welcomed by Father at home.
3 New songs of rejoicing now thrill that old homestead,
The best robe bro’t forth, ring and shoes for his feet;
He’s clad in the garments his Father provided,
Has feasting for famine, and resting complete;
Come, ye that are wand’ring, now haste to the Saviour,
He patiently lingers to lavish his love;
His arm is outstretched to rescue the needy,
And bring you to mansions he’s promised above.